NaNoWriMo Day One: Word Count = 1797
Title: Little Black Mess
Turns out, I'm writing a mystery. Who knew? Certainly not me. I didn't write those words, I bled them. Slowly. Over hours of torture. But at least I got started and that seemed to be the hard part this time.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Congrats! I wish you continued luck!
Posted by: Chris | 2 novembre 2007 6h57
Hello! I LOVE the name of your story!
Mine is going pretty well so far, although it was a struggle to sit down and actually DO IT, it came really nicely when fingers-hit-keyboard.
I'll rue saying that soon enough!
Posted by: Roland Hulme | 2 novembre 2007 13h18
congrats - good start...
Posted by: Cam Ferroni | 2 novembre 2007 18h44
Go Jodi
Go Jodi
Go Jodi
Posted by: DrinkJack
4 novembre 2007 10h01