Why is writing so hard for me now?
I've put a lot of thought into this. Because in addition to having trouble writing, I'm having a lot of trouble sleeping. I am having zero trouble thinking, however. That's all I do.
Anyway, lot of thought and what I've come up with is this: as a writer, I have become flabby. As little as a year ago I was writing all the time. At work I wrote technical documentation, bug reports, hundreds of emails, a large percentage of what I did every day was written communication. Personally, I spent hours chatting, blogging and writing emails to friends. I was always writing.
Nowadays, I have a hard time writing a chatty email. I chat online with very few people. And I've become remiss at blogging. I could use my boring mundane life as an excuse, and maybe it's partially to blame, but even when things happen I don't blog them. My writing has become, dare I say it, flaccid. I can't get it up anymore.
I'm not giving up on Nano, tho I am woefully behind. Since there is no viagra for writing, I'm just going to have to keep plugging away at it, and this blog, and hope I get my muscles back.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.More sugar.
Posted by: Vanwall | 9 novembre 2007 22h31
More caffeine
Posted by: Marie
10 novembre 2007 10h42