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I don't think I will be able to finish 50k by the end of November. Despite my best intentions, I have not involved myself in any local NaNo events, I feel quite apart from the fun. I've gone back and forth about this, in fact if you asked me 30 minutes ago, I was still trying to figure out how to finish. I even contemplated changing to an auto biography because if there is one thing I should be able to write about, with little or no research, quickly, it's my life. 50 thousand words divided by 40 years is 1250 words a year. Easy, right?

Nyah, I am just not interested in writing 50 thousand words about myself. 50 thousand more words. Someday I should figure out how many words I've written about myself on this blog. Damn site more than 50k, I'd reckon. I want to keep working on my mystery. It's just going very slowly. And I guess that's ok. As long as I keep working on it, I'm going to go ahead and give myself permission to work at my own pace. I've been struggling with one scene for many days, each and every word. This is not how you win NaNo, but it seems to be the way I am working this year.

Officially I'm blaming the loss on the fact that I still have not received my 2007 NaNoWriMo tshirt, despite the fact that it shipped on October 3rd. I'm a little sad that I'm giving up. I'm disappointed in myself, since I have all this time on my hands.

Well, bummer. Awww, Momo is giving me kisses on my feets to cheer me up. And, on the upside, I made some really yummy buttermilk mashed potatoes for dinner. So I've got that skill going for me. Which is nice.


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

I'll tell you what. I'm at my wits end too - written 30,000 words but it's in three different stories!

I'll quit if you do. We'll 'go on strike' because you didn't get your t-shirt.

I'm a loser too. October AND November have been months from hell. Too much on my plate all at once. Work, home, in-laws, my parents, you name it.

Never a loser - best to do it well, rather than slap-dash.