Only Candy Spelling understands.
With the arrival of Christmas marketing in the stores, comes the sad realization that some of my xmas shopping traditions will not be met this year. Chief among my favorites is the Gift Wrap Wonderland at the Container Store.
The Gift Wrap Wonderland at the Container Store is my Happy Place. Ever since it opened, shopping for my wrapping paper has become my favorite holiday shopping activity. It can take me a long time to chose the overall theme. You need to get two or three rolls in a corresponding theme and color scheme. Are you going to go bold and modern? Perhaps Bright red, white and silver? Perhaps you feel more renaissance era jewel tones? They've got it. Along with many matching tags, ribbon, bows and accessories.
It's wonderful!
Since I can't travel freely to the states right now, I've kept my eye out for this year's wrapping theme. Lo and behold a new Michael's opened up just down the street from me. Yesterday, I found three complimentary rolls of paper in muted, somewhat countrified, colors. Cute reindeers on one. Along with bows and ribbons, etc. It was no WONDERLAND, but I liked my selections. I showed them to Wil and told him he had to pretend to be interested because there was no one else around to admire my choices until my family comes to visit in December and sees their presents. I'm afraid he has to do that a lot.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.There are two types that'll un-wrap it, you know - one just tears it off fast, the other will untape carefully and slow. Save the good stuff for the slower ones.
Posted by: Vanwall | 21 novembre 2007 14h30
Not long now and you will be able to travel again, its a bummer I know, but worth it in the end.
Posted by: perry | 21 novembre 2007 23h05
You and the Shrew should really talk shop. She is a wrapping goddess and theme hungry.
Posted by: DrinkJack
25 novembre 2007 6h41