Curiosity, they name is Pru and/or Momo
The kittens are looking at me funny. Probably because I am actually cleaning house. They keep coming over and sniffing about, trying to figure out what I am doing.
I tried to explain to them that the time to come over, all big eyed and kitten curious, is NOT when a trash bag full of two litter boxes worth of excrement and litter ruptures, and THEIR POOP goes spilling out all over the hallway and kitchen.
It really is not the time.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.We need 100% more kitten pictures on your blog.
Get cracking.
Posted by: Roland Hulme | 15 janvier 2008 6h44
Cats are always in the way when you don't want them to be. Have you ever tried to exercise on the floor? They're certainly in your face then! :P
Posted by: Kait | 15 janvier 2008 15h05
it's not just kittens. nebbish and percy do this every single time i change their litterbox. i have come up with all kinds of clever distractions. it only took me a few years to figure out how to outsmart bunnies. :P
Posted by: arifa
15 janvier 2008 15h47
LOLPru to Jodi: You has dropped teh poop?
Posted by: Vanwall | 15 janvier 2008 20h05
But no matter what kind of mischief they get up to, you can't hold it against them because they're just so darn cute, right?
Gotta love cats. :)
Posted by: Dustin | 16 janvier 2008 15h15
Jodi does the anti-cleaning routine to the T :)
Posted by: DrinkJack
20 janvier 2008 7h48