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Action Plan

A few weeks ago, Roland asked me to fill out his Action Plan. (It took me a while, sorry, Rols.) Perhaps he is trying to pry me away from my television set? Cheeky.

1: Name three things about yourself you would like to improve:
- I procrastinate too much and I am very lazy. This means I don't accomplish a lot of things I would like to accomplish. I've been unemployed for a year now and I really don't have much to show for it. Which is a shame.

- I wish I spoke a second language fluently.

- I'd like to have more confidence about my writing. Oh, and I'd like to play the cello for reals.

2: Name something you would like to achieve:

a) Within 1 year: Finish a story/book

b) Within 5 years: buy a house

c) Within 10 years: Well, by then I hope to have several published books to my credit. And a swing for the front porch on that house I bought 5 years ago.

3: Name something you would like to help achieve for somebody else:
I would like to be happy, healthy and safe for my mom's sake. Sure, I'd like it for myself too, it's a win-win really. But I know that happy, healthy, safe and content children would give my mom a great deal of peace. It's the least I can do, right?

4: Name one place you haven’t been, but you’d like to go:

5: Name one person you haven’t met, but would like to:
My new cous-n'phew Julian. I haven't been able to travel to the states since he was born last fall

6: Name three material things you would like:

a). a house
b). an iPhone
c). a pet dolphin. The dolphin will need a pretty amazing dolphin habitat as well, so I'll need one of those.


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

If you get a house, then you will definitely need many more material things...

Be careful what you wish for. The higher the aspiration, the more complicated it gets - the house beats the dolphin, but just barely; harder to get a loan for marine mammals, I daresay, but it's best to buy land if you can - they're not making it any more. I expect to hear you speaking Dolphin while playing your cello in the parlor of your house in 5 years - there's some goals for ya.

Dude. Having a dolphin would rock.

material possessions are wrong

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