I have more potential than this.
I'm tired today. Emotionally tired. There are times I feel like my only purpose is to clean and procure more food stuffs. Nobody wants or needs anything else from me. Expectations are low. The return is even lower. I'm defeated.
I'm in a bad mood. In fairness, maybe I should mention that it's possibly a tiny bit hormone fueled. But I don't think that should invalidate the feelings themselves.
It's ok, tho. Real Genius is coming on the tv in a half an hour and I just bought a new box of Safeway brand Strawberry Frozen Yogurt dipped in Dark Chocolate bars. Who could fail to be cheered by that?
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.I understand the house-bot feeling. You have my total empathy on that one.
As for hormone-fueled moods...it doesn't invalidate the feelings. Far from it...it makes them more intense. Sounds like you've got the proper treatment in the freezer, though. :)
Posted by: Tara | 16 mars 2008 13h40
meh, it wouldn't cheer me up. i'm not a fan of strawberries and chocolate. seperate, oh yes. but together? ack. though a val kilmer dipped in dark chocolate? that right there equals win my friend.
Posted by: loon | 16 mars 2008 20h57
As it turns out, and I knew this already, Real Genius truly IS REAL GENIUS.
Posted by: Jodi
16 mars 2008 21h07