presents and steak
You know what I miss? Fridays. The way Fridays feel. The TGIF of them. I realize you have to work or go to school to get that feeling. Maybe it's not worth it, if you can swing not doing either. But still, Fridays always felt great.
Today is Wil's birthday. Yay! For his birthday I got him an iPod Nano, black. He wants to start running and it has some sort of jogging kit you can get. You put something in your Nike shoe... I'm not sure how it works, but he's already got the Nikes. Plus, he wanted a small mp3 player for said running. I can't think of a single reason why you'd want anything but one of the many flavors of iPod, especially as a mac user.
My mom and Bob bought him a Hunter S. Thompson for Sheriff of Aspen CO 1970 poster. AKA: The coolest poster in the world, according to
Wil. My goodness my mom knows him well.
The kittens pre-ordered the special edition of Grand Theft Auto 4 for him. He's only been waiting like a year and half for it. I swear to god his head is going to explode, now that we are at the 10 days and counting point. In fact, while pre-ordering it, I found out that the EB Games is having a midnight release party. So we can actually pick it up on Monday night. Technically, it will be the 29th, but physically, we'll still be feeling the 28th.
So yes, we will be sitting in the parking lot late Monday night, waiting to pick up his copy. Looking like a couple of huge gamer geeks. Actually, looking like one gamer geek and his wife who drove him there. Because she is so sweet. And intelligent. And kinda hot, too.
We are off to Pinky's for a birthday steak dinner. Hooray for meat!
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.If you don't mind me asking, where did your mom ("and Bob") get the Thompson poster? I found one on-line, but it's 500 bucks! Is that it?
Posted by: Andy3000 | 18 avril 2008 16h33
Happy Birthday Wil - April babies are the best babies ever! (being one myself...). That sounds like a pretty damn fantastic birthday, and I want to come to your house and gaze at the poster. AND PLAY GRAND THEFT AUTO 4!!!!!!
Posted by: french panic | 18 avril 2008 18h30
OOOOh! Lucky Wil! The lovely and talented wifey knows him well, too.
Posted by: Vanwall | 18 avril 2008 23h07
I KNOW! He is so lucky.
Posted by: Jodi
21 avril 2008 10h29