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So I started playing Spore yesterday. I think I lost a good 7 or 8 hours to it. I'm just going to bullet point some thoughts because I am starving and there is no food in the house and I told Wil he could play Spore today when he gets home from work which is in 50 minutes so if I don't get something out now, it won't be out today.

Yesterday was a bit of a test game. Wil was sitting with me, and we were trying to figure out all the tricks. Next game I will probably kick more ass.

  • First, MAJOR props to coming out with the Mac version at the same time. On the same disc, in fact. I wish they would do this with Sim releases.
  • My peeps are called the Prubugs, and they are red with black zebra stripes. They are vegetarians. Which just goes to prove what the veggies say, if I had to kill my own meat, I probably wouldn't eat it. What am I saying, I would totally lean to kill chickens. Maybe. I don't know.
  • It's just like Civilization but with Monsters. Well, not just like. But the premise is similar.
  • They have a new authentication process going on, so you need to have an internet connection at least every ten days or so, to re-authenticate. It also means that Wil can't play it on his computer when I am not playing on mine. It's not a matter of having the DVD in your drive anymore.
  • Like the Sims, it is occasionally painfully slow. Unplayable slow. Even with everything else on my computer turned off. That's disappointing.
  • Like Civ, I am a friendly nation, for the most part. In tribal mode, I made friends with the Cyan, Brown, Lavender and Green tribes. But the Pinks pissed me off. I tried to be friends, but they wouldn't have it. So I DESTROYED THEM.

Anyway, like I said, I'm starving, so I gotta hit the Safeway.



Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

I was looking forward to "Spore" until I heard about the draconian DRM protection... now I don't give a crap if I ever play it. Punishing the people who pay for your product is the exact opposite of how DRM should work, and I'm not paying to be abused like that unless I absolutely have to (hello, Adobe!).

TB told me that there was a good review on XYZ site and I retorted, "But JODIFEROUS has reviewed it and that is all I need. So there!" I did not stick my tongue out although I probably should have, huh?

I'm afraid I'm completely out of that loop. Completely.

Out of the loop 100%

And.. DARN. You're still a Movable Type gal.

I know nothing about Spore other than this - I would become hopelessly addicted and lose vast portions of my days to it. Best for me to avoid it.

Hey! Are you still playing CivRev online because I GOT IT! And I got internet access! And I want to play you. Stoker is really into it too, so as I type this he's playing it. He likes to emphasize military, however and is a terrible ruler. I like to be a cool ruler and make my people happy with theaters and entertainment and temples. I rule with a loving hand. Ha ha.

I also want to get Spore, but I will be late getting that one, too, since I just spent $60 on CivRev.

I'm already waaay too addicted to WoW (World of Warcraft) to get hooked on something else.

btw - read your 101 things and found we have a lot in common! Found ya through my daughter at Mellow Chaos, but see Sizzle is also a fan... :)

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