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Just to make this clear.

I've voting for Obama. I'm fairly certain you have figured that out about me. I don't talk about politics that much, but when I do, it's pretty obvious which way I lean. Not only am I voting for Obama, I've actually had NIGHTMARES about Sarah Palin.

So, keeping this in mind, if you have political tendencies similar to mine, you should find Drink At Work's Partisan Hacking HEELARIOUS. If not, you won't.


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

Perhaps that has something to do with the fact that the woman is a WALKING NIGHTMARE. I tried to be objective, as I always do...but the minute I heard the news release regarding the fact that the woman attends a church that says it's on a mission to "convert gay people," that was it.

My outlook still stands: I just hope that ONCE in my lifetime, I have the opportunity to vote FOR a presidential candidate instead of AGAINST the other.

I'm voting for Obama as well...much like your announcement, I don't think that would shock anyone.

I've never been the type of person to care who knows it either.

I wish I could vote in November. If I could, I'd be voting Obama in a heartbeat.

Yay you! I'm waiting for my big-ass Obama yard sign to show up.

I'm reading the Stephanie Plum books.

I'm on the fourth one.

You were right.

I'm with you, young Jedi - I've had way too many years of my life wasted under losers like the present Administration. Palin is freakishly Arbeit-macht-fried, that's for sure - hopefully she gets shoved back into her spider-hole soon.

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