Day Two: Do I Sound Like A Musical Robot
Day two of NaNoWriMo and my word count is 3,407. Once again I finished my minimum before Wil got home from work, if only about two minutes before. If anything, today was more of a struggle than yesterday. At times, I just started writing like a robot. You know, like "He got out of the car. The car was brown. He was wearing a shirt. It was plaid."
I would go on like that until I loosened up a bit, and something more pleasant came out. Later, I went back and fixed the dry stuff. I use a great program called Scrivener to write. It allows me to write "scrawling fragmentary ideas that don't seem to fit anywhere yet." I can jump from scene to scene. Whatever it takes to keep writing. I highly recommend it. It's mac only, but it comes with a 30 day trial, so you can try it out while you work on your novel throughout November.
The South Beach diet is not going as well. Yesterday was hard. I was hungry all day and the cravings for something sweet or something bready were intense. And this morning, I cheated. I admit it, I had the last bowl left in the box of raisin bran. It was delightful, and now it's all gone. I suppose, if you are going to cheat, better on day 2 of the first phase then day 12 or something, after you've worked so hard to get rid of the cravings. Right? I dislike this diet and it does not work well for my limited tastes for foods. I am going to finish phase one and see how I feel. I might switch to Weight Watchers. Wil can stay on it. I'm pretty sure the food I prepare for him would be low in points as well.
It's not fair! NaNoWriMo requires candy and Dr Pepper! Everyone knows that. My heart's not in it, but man, I have got to do something about the weight gain. I've got all these pants in a smaller size I can't wear right now.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.I think you want avoid South Beach. The problem is that every time you 'cheat' and have carbs, you are taking your body away from the goal of ketosis. So it's not like cheating on WW, which is redeemable, you actually have to start over to re-achieve ketosis. Which sucks. I firmly believe that any diet which has you obsessing over food is a bad thing. The point system makes much more sense, and this is coming from someone who finds the idea of WW 'meetings' to be unbearable. If you haven't read Jen Lancaster's Such a Pretty Fat, you should. Hilarious, and absolutely right about learning to eat right in everyday situations.
Posted by: Middle-Aged-Woman | 2 novembre 2008 17h52
Candy? Yes! And might I suggest ORIGINAL Dr. Pepper...with pure cane sugar, rather than corn syrup. Smooth...
Posted by: apathy lounge | 2 novembre 2008 19h19
Keep up the good work - don't jump from one diet to the other, just stick to your regimens, for both aspects of this slog. Once you're in a rhythm it will be easier.
Posted by: Vanwall | 2 novembre 2008 23h04
November sucks for this. Writing requires snacking. I'm only reading blogs right now and I've already had 4 pumpkin sugar cookies.
I think I'll try the novel one next year, I don't have the time for it this year. Ya, that is a total cop out, whatever. I had thought of using a novel I've already started but that would have been cheating. Next year!
Posted by: Captain Dumbass | 3 novembre 2008 10h27