You'd be surprised how simple it is to turn my frown upside down.
In the 18 months I have lived in Canada full time, I believe Red Vines have been the No. 1 item requested from visitors of the States*. Please, bring me red vines!! I have looked for them constantly. It's automatic now, I glance at the licorice sections of every store that carries candy. Without even thinking about it. I have never found them. Never.
Until today. If I had been in the middle of a conversation, I would have been rendered speechless. (I was alone, so I was already not utilizing speech.) I gasped. I stood there entranced. I picked up a bag and held it to my heart. I've always felt that London Drugs was a fairyland of miracles. (You can buy a MacBookPro there. At a DRUG STORE. It's awesome.)
The best part? they rung up as American Vines.
"Oh HELL yeah!"
"I'm sorry?"
"Nothing. I'm fine. It's just the vines.... from America..."
*I'm not sure what #2 is, possibly Pickapeppa Sauce, or stuff from Bath and Bodyworks. Or an entire Target store.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.One of the best things about living in Western Canada is London Drugs.
Posted by: Andy 3000 | 4 décembre 2008 14h22
Once in a while I'd send Oreos to a friend in England.
When we were speaking on the phone, one day, she commented the local Tesco had started carrying them. When she finished her sentence I could hear her daughter yell, "Yes, but the ones you send from America are still the best."
Posted by: delmer | 4 décembre 2008 14h29
Are those like Twizzlers in America?
I love them things!
Posted by: Slick | 4 décembre 2008 14h46
#2 ingredient in red vines: Wheat. Red Vines hate me. You ever get a hankering and can't find them I'll ship 'em to ya.
Posted by: Sam | 4 décembre 2008 15h43
Congratulations, I'm very happy for you. Did you buy a lot? Just in case.
Posted by: Captain Dumbass | 4 décembre 2008 16h38
Hmmm - I'll have to check those out the next time I'm in London Drugs...
Really, I ignore any candy that isn't chocolate.
Posted by: Princess of the Universe | 4 décembre 2008 16h40
Mmmmmm. Red licorice. When they were small, my children love Twizzlers so much they made up a song about them.
Posted by: Middle-Aged-Woman | 4 décembre 2008 18h19
Mmmmmm. Red licorice. When they were small, my children love Twizzlers so much they made up a song about them.
Posted by: Middle-Aged-Woman | 4 décembre 2008 18h20
Oh, it's always a momentous occasion when you come across something from home. Now if only I could find Ribena here in the US...
Posted by: Kevin Spencer | 5 décembre 2008 14h05
I remember finding doritos in Tokyo after being lost twice on their subway system.
After the fear of forever being lost in Tokyo, our meal of doritos made us feel instantly better.
Posted by: pamplemousse | 7 décembre 2008 8h35
no, no, no! fellow commenters! please do not confuse red vines with twizzlers. red vines are nice, soft, sweet licorice whereas twizzelrs are hard pieces of a semi-digestible plastic substance that tastes like artificial food coloring.
Posted by: arifa
8 décembre 2008 8h46
Mmmm...Pickapeppa Sauce! That stuff is goodness personified.
When I lived in North Carolina a friend flew up to see me. Her carry-on bag was a collapsable cooler full of Country Pleasin' sausage--made only in Mississippi. :)
Posted by: Tara | 10 décembre 2008 9h30