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Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu

Oh my goodness, it's New Year's Eve. How did that happen.

Tomorrow is our big holiday dinner with some presents, as our original Christmas Part Deux, on the 27th, was postponed due to la neige. Wil's daughter is here, she just helped me finish wrapping my xmas gifts. I rolled and baked cookies, she frosted and sugared them, and there is a pumpkin pie in the oven as we speak. We are basically having the exact same meal I cooked last year.

In the mean time, everyone have a Happy New Year! If you are out now, be safe.

See you in the Oh-nine.

PS: It's official. I have started playing WoW again. Oh dear.


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.


Happy New Year, Jodi and Wil. And Daughter-of-Wil.

Happy New Year!

Yay, WOW! I might just go out and buy myself a new graphics adapter instead of looking for a new job.

Happy New Year!

Hey, what happened to my comment? Uh, try again.

Yay, WOW! I might just go out and buy myself a new graphics adapter instead of looking for a job. ;)

Happy New Year!

Àâòîð à òû æóðíàëèñò?

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