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Delurking Day 2009

Chris says it's Delurking Day and I believe him.

So drop a comment if you lurk, and say "hi!" And if you lurk, but have your own blog, add the link so I can come over to your house and say "hi!" back. And then we'll be friends! Won't that be lovely.

If you don't lurk, you should still say "Hi!" because I live a pretty sheltered life.

Delurking2009 Copy


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

Hello Jodi ...

hey hey.




I haven't commented lately so I thought I'd say hi!

Hey, Bubble Girl.

I'm always lurking...
Does that sound warm and friendly, or just creepy?

Love, Lloyd

I am a reformed lurker, and it's all yur fault.


I Lurk, therefore I Am.

Happy DL Day (yeah, I'm late)!

There's no time limit on this stuff is there?

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