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Must have meat.

The hiatus was unintentional. I have reasons. Maybe we'll discuss them later. And I feel extremely rusty now. I think I will baby step back.

1. The old lady in front of me at the store today smelled of beans and franks. Also, I'm pretty sure there was a guy in bulk foods who had recently pooped his pants. I have the nose of a dog.

2. Does anyone have a really good lasagna recipe? I want to learn to make lasagna. Feel free to share. Must have meat.

3. I didn't mention this earlier, but Wil was laid off at the end of January. We knew it was coming. He's looking for a job. Please give him one if you have one free. Must be fun and pay lots of money.


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

I have a recipe for vegetarian lasagna. It's really hard to tell the eggplant isn't meat. Sort of.

Is it good to have the nose of a dog? just sayin-Rick

I have a great lasagna recipe-- are you really going to make it? It's so yummy, it'll make you forget about the guy with poop in his pants.

No lasagna recipes, but I make a mean grilled cheese and macaroni sandwich.

Beans, Franks, Poop. In one supermarket visit? You're so lucky.

Missed ya!

i always loved your writing!

Hey you. Long time. And when I do check the blog it's about food!

This? Best recipe I ever had for lasagna. I used the pre-cooked noodles and it came out great.


I'll try and dig up our chicken cordon bleu lasagna recipe. It's yummy.

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