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31 mars 2003

Don't mess with me! I've got a black belt in crime!

last week, i was up on broadway with evildeb... it was lunch time. e.d. was still in hot topic and she was not moving fast enough for me. so i told her i was going to go down to retro viva and she could meet me there. and then two things happened. the first was crime! yes! on broadway. i was walking down the sidewalk and all of the sudden this guy comes out of a restaurant. i think it was a pho place, but it might just be an all around vietnamese restaurant. but we are going to go ahead and say it was pho. because that is what i think it was. so the guy comes out of the pho place, and he’s looking a little stoned. and shifty. yes, i could tell he was shifty before anything happened. because i have the super-hero crime fighting tendency in me. all of the sudden, one of the pho guys comes running out and shoves him, starts to confront him. and they start to fight and struggle. and then another bunch of pho guys come out to help, and then pretty soon this guy was covered in pho guys. he’s yelling all sorts of stuff, but his eyes still looked glassy and stoned. he probably could have gotten away if he was not so out of it. that is, before the large group of secondary backup pho guys entered the fray. then, the pho daddy came out. he was wearing the pho chef gear. you can tell he’s the leader of the pho gang. because he has the most cheffy outfit. and he confronts the stoner. turns out, the guy did a little dine and dash or something. the details are not clear. he had money and it did not belong to him. in some capacity, it belonged to the pho. more fighting, more confrontation, vietnemese shouted from one member of the pho to others, police being called. and a bunch of goth kids standing around laughing. also expressing their concern that citizen internment by other citizens was probably not legal. i don’t know if that is true or not. i imagine you can aprehend all you want, you just can’t detain. i turned around and walked back the other way, because the ruckus was blocking the sidewalk, and the alleged perp was still struggling and flaying, attempting to punch and kick whatever he could land a punch or kick upon. failing. but i didn’t want to get in the middle of it. i saw e.d. coming up the sidewalk and i took her over the the CRIME SCENE to see it. by that time they had him up against a wall. and i felt safe passing buy. evidleb did not, but being evil doesn’t mean you aren’t a fraidy cat.

it’s at this point the second thing happened, interrupting the first. we found out retro viva was gone! so disappointed! that’s where i got the famous yellow paul frank devo monkey bad! i’m recognized by that bag! the lady at the bank doesn’t need id any more because she recognizes me by that bag. and now it’s gone. so we had to turn, and walk back down the street from wist we came. e.d. wanted to cross and walk on the other side of broadway. see above fraidy cat comment. but i wouldn’t let her. see above crime fighter comment. besides, at that time they had pulled the alleged perp into the alcove and were sitting on him. it took like two point five skinny pho guys to hold him down. and he STILL looked stoned. his shirt was pulled up, as if they’d tried to pull it up over his head, like a hockey jersey. but failed. he had a green floppy hat on, and he was, as they say, couch potato soft. like i should talk, but that is not the point. i’m merely calling it like i saw it. as we passed, we here the sirens and i was sorry couldn’t stay and lookie-loo some more. i wanted to see the office arrest. actually, i really wanted to know if the pho guys got in trouble for the illegal use of force. to tell the truth, i hope they didn’t. you steal from someone, they chase you down and sit on you.... you got what’s coming to you. i think.

25 mars 2003

You're a woman, you've got female intuition, *and* you're a detective... and you didn't know this was going to happen?

Lisa and I were talking about spoilers today. i like 'em. or i can't resist them, is more like it. she avoids them like they stink. so does fee. she inadvertantly saw a spoiler today. and i told her to tell me. it was a baby spoiler. it was a tv guide blurb spoiler, but she still didn't like knowing about it. I explained to her that i have a hard time not investigating the facts. i can't resist. i need to sus things out and figure out what's going on. and yes, i used to snoop for my xmas presents.

what i explained to her, was that i indentified strongly with my childhood literary heros, trixie belden, nancy drew and harriet the spy. they were my kind of people. and i wanted to be a detective my entire life. now i realize that that impulse can probably be addressed by writing. it's the same thing. i need to sus things out, find out what's going on. it's just that what's going on is in my head.

aaaaanyway. lisa's response was a HOOT!! and i figured, why bother trying to write something funny today, why not just let lisa do it. i asked, she said yes, and so here is her response to my childhood dreams of being a gal detective.

And let's look at what happened to them....

Trixie Belden finished high school and went to a nice public college and got a dual degree in law enforcement and history. She entered the police academy upon graduation from college and got high marks in all fields. She graduated at the top of her class and was assigned to the narcotics division within two months of leaving the academy after an instructor of hers pulled in some favors. Trixie worked undercover narcotics for ten months and eventually gained the trust of many junkies and dealers. She also gained an nasty smack habit. During a set-up that took several months, Trixie walked in the dark jungle of drug addiction while trying to do her job. She finally was going to meet the distributor for the tri-state area when the many months of abusing her body caught up with her. She was asked to test newest shipment as a point of courtesy and since it was totally uncut, the effects hit her immediately. She fell to the floor barely conscious. She saw wavy currents floating around her body. It felt as though they were lifting her up and pulling her down at the same time. When the cops surrounding the building lost contact with her, they rushed the place and the last thing Trixie ever saw was her sergeant's face floating in front of hers. The last thing she ever thought was "did I feed the fish"?

Nancy Drew got free-lance detective work here and there and eventually ended up in Las Vegas. She was investigating a possible unfaithful husband case one night and three days later the police broke down her apartment door. She wasn't there and nothing appeared to have been touched, like her office, and there were no messages on her answering machine. Mostly because there WAS no answering machine. The machines at both the office and apartment were missing. Nancy Drew was never heard from again and the case is still considered open by the Las Vegas PD.

Harriet Welsch, also known as Harriet the Spy when she was a child, changed her major from literature and creative writing to chemistry in her Junior year at Yale because she was having a torrid affair with the head of the creative writing department and they thought it better to be discrete. Harriet was deeply in love with Richard, her former faculty advisor and as in her younger days began to follow him around just to watch him and bask in his beauty from afar. She kept a secret journal of her observations which came in very handy for investigators. After Harriet witnessed Richard cavorting with no less than three other undergraduates, she confronted him and shot him four times. Twice in the head, once in the heart and once in the groin region. After the trial, during which she said nothing as she had totally withdrawn from the world, Harriet was remanded to the custody of the state hospital for the criminally insane. Even though Harriet is allowed a small notebook and pencil, she is usually too sedated to have the fine motor skills needed to write. Her parents died the same year as her conviction in a tragic car accident and Gully comes to visit her twice a month. Gully is writing the story of Harriet's life and it's already been optioned by Miramax.

The moral of these stories? Knowing stuff isn't always a good thing.

24 mars 2003

No one can resist the golden lasso. It binds all who are encircled and compels them to tell... the truth!

i totally forgot what i was going to say... i had the blog entry all figured out in my head just an hour or two ago. and now it’s gone. just like that. now what am going to do? just make up some boring shit? how disappointing. well, it probably wasn’t that interesting anyway, because all i did was fix the sims, customize the sims, and decorate house for the sims this weekend. you know how those damn hours just fly by when you play the sims. my current favorite is Nadija, and her manic depressive psychotic cat Oona.

i have no cute links or funny images or anything to make up for the fact i have nothing to say. i was just going to skip today, but i think that fact i have nothing to say is, in of itself, a statement about my life.

did you ever see that movie A.I.? i was just thinking about that movie last night, realizing how much i hated it, and how much it depressed me. i just sat there for about 20 minutes, hating that movie.

i will say this. i have new wonder woman socks on. they are cool.

21 mars 2003

Randolph, your father's warned you. If you make another bomb, you'll get spanked.

so, the bombing has begun. officially. unofficially, they've been bombing my apartment for weeks. seriously, if you look at it, you can tell. shit's everywhere! it looks like a bomb went off!

and so, i am plagued by the age old question - war, what is it good for? luckily i believe edwin provided us with the answer. good god, y'all. say it again.

the sight of the bombs, that you can watch over and over on cnn.com, are making my tummy twist. in an unhappy way. i haven't heard about casualties in bagdad. iraqi casualties, i mean. it just makes me sad. and what's the name of this "operation" anyway? you know, as in operation desert storm. i know we all about the shock and the awe. is that the name? operation shock and awe? because that's dumb if it is. is that really what they are calling it? that just sounds so... pretentious. "look at meeee....are you not SHOCKED by my power? are you not in AWE of me?" *only eyes visible, peeking from behind a black cape* "do not look directly into my eyes... ahhh...it's is too late... you are in AWE mwuahhahaa!." i suppose it could be worse. it could be something like "operation freedom." which would piss me off no end. let's call it "operation freedom toast."

it's friday, and so i got myself a big ol' dr pepper for lunch. because i can have AS MUCH AS I WANT on friday. don't have to sleep tonight. it's not necessary. i'll get another one on my way home, too. aaaah-hahahahaaaaa!! AS MUCH AS I WANT!!

bonus points if you can tell me the source of the quote i used in the title. hint? it's a musical.

19 mars 2003

listen to your broccoli, your broccoli will tell you how to eat it. - mel brooks.

a reader from pasadena writes, "have you cleaned your kitchen yet?" what do you think, dear internet friends. have i cleaned my kitchen yet? of course not!! i am more concerned with why my sims unleashed game is running so slowly, than in completing the task that was to result in the reward of said game. dr. stevil gave me 512mb of ram to pop into the G4, to see if that will help. and i am going through the spring cleaning process. i just have this feeling it's going to come down to processor speed. however, tonight i am going to put away the clean dishes in the dishwasher. there aren't many, i've basically taken them out as i needed them. but those that remain prevent me from putting dishes into the dishwasher. which would explain the pile in my sink. if anything, the kitchen is worse. i dug out my air popcorn popper. because i had a craving for real home made popcorn. not microwave popcorn. i wanted to melt the butter myself and apply the salt myself. when the popper was about half way through the corn i fed it, i poured the melted button on it, and started to continually stir with a spoon. that's the way i used to do it. get everything covered nicely. but then, the air popper just died. pfftz. dead. and i was stuck with a small amount of popcorn dripping with melted butter. i ate it, of course. it was a little drippy. but come on... it's melted and salty butter!! the air popper is still sitting on the counter. dead.

i have a couple of things to say about the state of the world today. first of all. gw bush is not my president. al gore is my president. if there was ever any question, that story, right there should prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, he was meant to lead me. not bush. god i hate bush. i hate him. sigh. so i'm not going to pay attention to him. al gore is my president. and if there is something i need to do, al will tell me. or he'll have steve job's tell me. because in many ways, steve jobs is my lord savior!!

the second thing i have to talk about today is homeland security. i have no idea what to do about chemical warfare. so far, i think avoiding all mention of it, and pretending it does not exist is working well for me. so i am going to stick with it. however, here is a cute little ditty that helps clear things up. i know it helped me.

lisa designed a personal card for me today, and so i shall sign today's entry with it:

JS Hamilton

Author, Princess, Font of Information
Brilliance by appointment

17 mars 2003

day two: rang bell - dog ate food. very excited, very excited indeed. have become welsh.

i think god is punishing me. or, i would think that god was punishing me, except that i don't believe that god punishes. therefore, i am punishing myself, somehow, and blaming it on god. if god was punishing right now, he's definitely doing it by giving us g.w. bush. not by messing with my g4.

are we at war yet? i have checked the news lately. i'm so sad and worried and disgusted and ambivalent and concerned and distracted and angry and ... every emotion. i'm not sure i can be only a few emotions about it, because it would be too much. i hate everyone. well, i hate all world leaders. all of them. oy! does that make me an anarchist? ha. no. i wish we could just reboot our government with the shift key held down, in safe boot. or, i'd boot into root user of the world and replace the world leaders with mothers. women. women with no need to hurt and only to protect.

punishment. yes. my poor little g4 at home, is acting sickly. i made a deal with myself that if i cleaned the kitchen, i could buy myself a present. i decided if i cleaned my kitchen i could get the sims unleashed expansion pack. because allowing my little sims, who never go to war by the way, to have pets, would solve all my personal problems. i headed out to see shanti, to get my brows done. however, instead of then going home and cleaning the kitchen, i just went straight to the buying part of it. it does no good to make these deals with myself, because i'll just go straight to the buying part. as long as present is promised, i'll just get it first. so unless i decide to reward myself after i've already done whatever it is i don't want to do, it's a failed system. anyway, i had not yet installed the vacation expansion pack i'd gotten for xmas. so i installed both. and i created a new sim to concentrate on. eve. she has shaggy blond short hair, and a more curvy body. [there is slim, curvy, and a more corpulent build]. she has a simple house, without a whole bunch of decorating or objects, because i thought we'd add those as we went along. [usually, when i create a new sim, i spend way too much time decorating and buying things for the house when i first move them in. because i know the money cheat.] anyway, eve's going to get a job soon. i took her to old towne and she adopted a grey tiger kitten named Pru. gee, i wonder where the inspiration for that came from? as soon as i get a second kitten, for pru to have company during the day, eve will get that job. however, and here is where god is punishing me for skipping the cleaning part of the bargain, the game is running soooooo slowly that it's pretty much unplayable. it's not bad when she's at home, but it was nearly impossible to adopt that first kitten. she's off doing a bunch of stuff before i can even get the game to admit i am making commands. and it takes awhile to catch up to her. after she burned down the kitchen, no one was hurt, i took eve and pru to the beach, for vacation. same problem. i can't play the game. it's no good. i don't know what it is. i moved the game to the home user directory, per aspyr's suggestion for frequent crashes, but it didn't help. i'm going to move it to a shared directly and try logging in as a new user. see if that doesn't help. it's probably my processor speed. stuff is just becoming too fast for me. it may be time to upgrade the processor. i have 500mb of ram, and plenty of space. it's the processor. guh.

my computer is having other issues as well. it may be time for an intense spring cleaning, back-up and reformat, etc. i'm much more apt to do that, then clean the kitchen, anyway. and, god gave me a cluster headache yesterday, just to make sure i understood it was bad karma to flinch on a deal, even if the deal was with yourself.

12 mars 2003

"there is no hell. there is only france." ~ frank zappa.

yeah, as fee said, "that is so lame about the freedom fries and freedom toast. those foods aren't even originally french anyway. pff. stupid capital hill people don't even know their food." and these jackasses are running our country? what's next? are were going to put american citizens of iraqi descent into internment camps for their "safety?" do we have to call "hamburger" salisbury steak again? fuck capital hill. i'm going to order my french fries with pride. i'm going to order my french fries in french!! je voudrais some god damn pomme frittes!! the more i think about it, the more i think that some marketing tard came up with that idea. it looks all cute and patriotic. but it's a ignorant propaganda. and we should be proud of anything that mirrors some of our less than admirable behaviors during ww2.

i'm getting all worked up, aren't i? that's mostly cuz i don't feel like working. i agree with everything i said above, i just don't think i take it as seriously as it indicates. however, the french do love to hate us. most definitely. and they do love to protest everything we do. and maybe this is just a ploy to center them as a power in the new "united europe." who the hell knows. its fun to hate america. there are lots and lots of reasons to do it. its chic. who wants to align themselves with the bourgeois spoiled americans? they have no sense of style, no sense of fashion. no sense of world politics. and they all line up to appear on jerry springer, have missing teeth and gun racks in their trucks. everyone american has a gun. and what's with the women who try to look like barbie dolls? only an american would do that. again, back to the no style issue. heck, even americans like to hate the US. otherwise you are a hick, it's all just cheap, over-marketed patriotism. right?

this is fun. let's face it, no one is ever going to like us. we are that annoying, privileged, needy kid in school who had every answer. incessantly, waving his hand in class, or attention from the teacher. not noticing when other kids snickered behind his back. and then driving home in the ford focus he got for his sixteenth birthday. yup. that's us.

oh well! i am not in favor of war. unless it boosts the economy and then i say, "hell yeah, mount up soldiers!!" it's all about the bling bling, baby.

11 mars 2003

i'll cotton candy your ass, mother fucker!!

isn't it nice of my little brother to leave us a recipe for vegan cookies? i didn't know you needed a recipe to make vegan food. thought it was just dirt and twigs and stuff.

what was a talking about? oh yeah, portland. i forgot to say while i was drunk [after i had eaten a huge piece of cow flesh, josh] i accidentally called Lance "Lloyd." i thought that was the funniest thing ever. and so henceforth, he is Lloyd to me. make it so. long story short, didn't sleep that night either, ended up going home a day early because i was bored, i was glad to do so. got home, went to bed immediately.

from mr. snotty, here's a link to a story about french food. those silly french. and there was somehow some tiny little slam against france in the show on friday. remember i went to see my fair lady? i don't remember at what point, but colonel pickering sad something about never knowing whether or not the french were on your side. something not usually in the script. the theatre loved it. everyone clapped. i didn't. what do you expect from them. as eddie izzard said, sometimes they are a little spiky and a little french. [eddie izzard likes the french. i don't want to malign his good name. i may want to do other things with him, tho.] it doesn't matter because in my little world, we are not going to war. i think, in my little world, sadam is going to get the killer flu. and bush will have to concentrate on something else. there's a lot of peace and love, in my little world. unless you piss me off. and then you shall be punished. but most likely it's going to be a time out. or you are sent to bed with no dessert.

if you did not read last week's tard blog you really must. check out the story entitled #5: Tyrell has problems with referees. that story made me laugh out loud. and i laughed for about 10 minutes afterwards.

i was going to tell you a story about my mother. but i'm bored already. i'll tell you the story tomorrow.

6 mars 2003

second prize is a set of steak knives

where was i? oh yeah, portland. my life is so exciting.

nice hotel, uberfirm bed. i don't know why i don't like firm beds. everyone else loves them. good for their backs, they say. but they hurt me. i think parts of me get too squished between other parts of me and the bed. i like to get on a bed and then gently float down to the mattress.

monday for some reason, lance decided to display a work ethic and made us show up at 6 am. i'd slept less than two hours. and when i met him in the lobby, i hated him. so i told him that. but, on the way, we stopped at mcdonald's and it was a macdonald's that served dr pepper instead of the insipid mr. pibb. so i got an egg mcmuffin AND a dr pepper from one place. NICE! it's the little things, you know. and they had donuts when we arrived. the security guy gave us some key to some room we knew nothing about, but we took it anyway, because who knows what they store in that room? long story short, it took me 7 hours to get the laptop online and connected to our inner sanctum. so i could get work email and such. i talked to babytechs, had lunch with a senior tech. and they have dr. pepper in the fountain at their cafe. their little cafe is ten times better than ours.

i was bound and determined to eat dinner at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse. i had heard it was good, but expensive. i've never been there. but you know there is nothing i like better than steak! since i had a food allowance, i wanted to use it to fulfill this dream. the restaurant was ten "portland" blocks from our hotel. [that's what the desk clerk said. portland blocks.] which means tiny. i had a cocktail that included vodka and orange juice. but orange juice from blood oranges. it was called a blood drop or something. ewwww. i was extremely quenched when i got to the restaurant, drank two glasses of water before we even saw our waiter. the vodka in that drink was high quality shit, man. i didn't even taste it. so i gulped that drink down like it was juice. on an empty stomach. BAMF! i'm more than a little buzzed. [yes, i'm a light weight. i'm a cheap date. except for the whole liking expensive steak part.] lance and evildeb had cocktails as well as wine. so the evening just became more and more delightful as it went on. before our meal was delivered, someone placed a creme bruile in front of me. i thought i had hit the jackpot. i told everyone to shush. but our waiter noticed and they took it away from me. i had the best damn ribeye steak i've ever had. they broil it in some kind of 1800 degree broiler and bring it to you on a plate heated to 500 degrees. everything was awesome, the drinks, the steak, the potatoes and the dessert. i ate more that night than i ate in the previous weekend, in its entirety. walked back to the hotel and i had two more drinks. i really wanted to sleep. i had more to drink than i normally do. i was ready to flop down on the bed and sleep. no go. damn it. why can't i drink until i pass out?

5 mars 2003

hello march!

as my hello kitty calendar so eloquently says.

i am back in seattle now. did you know i left? i did. i was in portland. i have been a naughty little blogger, however. so i will write about the last few days. i can only remember up to saturday night. and that's because something of great significance happened.

marry freddy? HA! sorry. as i write this, i am listening to the broadway cast recording of My Fair Lady. i'm getting ready for this friday, as i am going to see it at the 5th Avenue. it's one of my favorite musicals. i grew up listening to this album, i knew all the words before i ever knew anything about the story. i didn't even see the movie until i was in my teens, and then i was shocked to see audrey hepburn. i have reconciled with it, and love the movie version. i picture her as Eliza, one might say i've grown accustom to her face [hahahahaaa! man i kill me sometimes] but it's julie andrews i hear singing the songs. i've never seen it live, so i am very excited. i hope i don't sing out loud.

Sat night: the event of significance? it's girl scout cookie time!! a fact i yelled at the top of my lungs as ran up to the little card table set up in front of Larry's Market. i think i scared the g.scout herself, as her mom conducted the sale, asking me what kind i wanted. "TAGALONGS!! TWO BOXES!!" it was impossible not to yell. those g.scouts are very clever. only let us have the cookies once a year, so that when get the opportunity have them again... we freak out. ok. i do. i was so happy that i leaned on my shopping cart, in the checkout lane, and gazed at those two boxes of cookies next to my purse.... and walked out of the store before they put the groceries in the cart. i figured it out at the car. and they were chasing after me. absolutely true, i do not make that up. did you know i got kicked out of the girl scouts? for beating up another brownie? ok. that's not true. i was never even a brownie. at that age, i was a blue bird, a campire girl. because their outfits were better. when i moved to colorado, i tried girlscouting. but, alas, it's not for me to sell door to door, or participate too enthusiastically in any kind of craft project.

Sunday so yes, i was in portland. i have been visiting the vendor and helping out with new babytechs. we transitioned one of my products there this week. i did not want to go. mostly because i knew i would miss my kitty and miss my bed. there is just no way a hotel bed, no matter how swanky, will have enough comforters. which is a shame, because it's pretty much the only time i get to play with air conditioning. i'd love to turn it up it up, make the room all nippy, and then pile on the comforters. but no, all you get is little thin sheets and little thin blankets.

it was raining like mad on sunday night, and windy too. the worst possible weather for a road trip. we didn't leave until almost 7, and that's mostly because i drug my feet getting ready. evildeb and lance were excited, because it was a little mini break for them. i guess if you had a toddler and a teenager in the house, getting away for a few nights would be fun. lance was so happy, he was whistling non-stop. i thought i was going to have to punch him. but before long, we settled into a routine of complaining about our co-workers, and that soothed my mood considerably.

we got to the hotel about 10:30, and it is nice! the paramount. it was pretty damn swanky, and right smack in downtown. the valet parking was $20 a night, but it was going on the corporate card, so who cares? i love valet parking. i love it when people open doors for me and put my stuff away for me. the bed was nice, even had a comforter, duvet cover type thing. however, it was very very firm. and i'm a squishy girl.

this is just so exciting! i'll just have to continue with the rest of my adventure tomorrow.