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30 avril 2003

Can't I go take a pee break without you trying to talk somebody into suicide?

today i am trying to be a good employee. instead of the SUCKY one i was yesterday. i was constantly letting myself get distracted by my own stupid stuff. i spent a long time hunting down the identity of a new member of the brain. because i felt she was probably a canadian spy. and she WAS. it's a long story. but basically someone in Canadian Deb's family was checking up on what she was posting, making sure that she wasn't saying anything about their significant other. which... frankly, we didn't like. we deleted one post for her. and restricted the board to members only. but she used an alias, signed up, and started looking for more references to her s.o., pointing them out to deb yesterday. she wanted them removed as well. honey, PLEASE. that behavior is not ok. so, before she confirmed that she was, indeed, the new member, i did some nancy drewing on the ip address and matched to her isp. and so forth and so on. just so i could yell BUSTED and delete her ass. in my opinion, CanaDeb can say whatever she wants about her sister's g.f. hell, i might say some stuff too. i wish i could remember her name. damn. i know it's petty, but i really want to. i won't.... but i'll THINK about doing it.

the shame about this is that CanaDeb felt really bad that her sister and her g.f. read the stuff she wrote. but she was very upset and came to us to vent. and she specifically said that she was doing this, rather than unleashing on her sister. that's what we are there for. her concerns and feelings were legitimate. so here's deb feeling bad about asking me to delete a post, and feeling bad because i restricted the site, feeling bad because her sister et al. read the post.. just generally feeling bad. even tho we all told her to stop it. luckily, her sister's extra sleuthing yesterday annoyed her. and we saw a spark of our sassy CanaDeb again.

i suppose a GOOD employee would not be updating her blog, but rather researching her little technical issues sent to her by her babytechs. and some consultant as well. and an escalation from god only knows where. that's what i good employee would be doing. i

i leave you with another picture of a KITTIE IN A BONNET! this is my second favorite. Fee, i think these are from japan. the japanese love their pets. OH!! speaking of pets. one more story.

pru. you know what she did? i'll tell you what she did. i was a little behind on the litter box. i admit it. i spaced. i was a lot behind. it's got a dome lid, and it only smells when she poops, and then only temporarily. so you know what she did? Bitch PEED on my bed!! [is that how you spell the past tense of the verb To Pee? it doesn't look right] anyway, she's done that once before, a long time ago. and again, it was when i was ignoring my waste management duties beyond an acceptable limit. can you believe that? cats are smart. still. she's lucky i had a clean set of sheets.


29 avril 2003

Kitten, I think what I am saying, is that sometimes, shit happens, someone has to deal with it, and who ya gonna call?

kittie pie!!!


bwahahahaaa! that just kills me. kittie pie.

fee says "it's two of your favorite things!" she's right. kitties. and pie.

lisa commented on my harrowing trip to the mall, by asking. "Did they have a computer store you could hang out in?"
the answer is, no. NOT YET!! but soooon... sooon my internet friends, apple will be opening an Apple Store right there in my mall. smack dab in b'square.
i think i should be there the moment they open. i wonder if they will have give aways? i'll spend the night on the floor of the mall, in order to be there for the give aways. to show my brand loyalty.

how can you not love a company that's done this? and i feel sorry for you internet friends, who are on windows. as most of you are, i believe. because right now... you cannot enjoy the brilliant new digital music store. but i can. :)

25 avril 2003

this bugs me...

having only one entry allows some of the side panel info to slide over. under said one entry. it's annoying.

therefore, this is a fake entry, to help deal with this issue.


instant gratification takes too long

i’ve officially been diagnosed with the inability to delay gratification. deep down, we all knew that about me, didn’t we, my internet friends?

partially-evilJacob, son of evildeb, says that he has been to my blog. this blog of which you are perusing. he says he enjoyed some video links that he followed from this blog. i have no idea what he’s talking about. partially-evilJacob is possibly spirally down into a deep dark pit of teenage tomfoolery, as his recent behavior suggests. he knows what i am talking about. and if he truly is reading this blog, he can comment and explain to us why he’s obviously smoking the pot, as i have no links to videos of TechTV posted on my blog. such a shame, he had such a bright future.

speaking of 3/4’s of the evil family. we were at the mall the other evening. turning 10 minutes of errands for me, into hours of time wasted. while standing around, waiting for Evildeb to choose her clinique shit, i was playing with the red lipsticks. it’s my goal to find a red lipstick that goes with my skin tone. i’ve seen people with skin more fair than i, wearing it. why can’t i? i had 8 different shades of red on, and about 4 layers of lipstick. did you know that red lipstick can stain your lips? they next morning, they were stained red, even tho the lipstick was long gone.

do you see why i have not written since the 18th? i really haven’t been doing very much. i haven’t been thinking deep or interesting thoughts. yesterday, i had impressions of my teeth made, so i can get a new night guard, so i won’t clench my teeth while i sleep and wake up with a headache. how’s that? that’s my life.

pru says hello.

18 avril 2003

every woman's dream

haven't had much to say....that's why it's been so quiet round here. plus, i've had a busy week. just...none of it was very interesting.

anyway, we just got this link on mr. snotty, so i thought i'd share with ya'll.

gay boyfriend

9 avril 2003

More wisdom from burton

hey, remember that email i got from burton, telling me to remove all rings from my middle finger? well, i got another brilliant email from him, that i must share with you.
Hi Jodi,
Occasionally we like to send fun and useful tips to the California Astrology Association's clients. Here are a few lesser-known beliefs that you may find interesting:

  • If a bachelor or maid is placed between a married couple at supper, he or she will be married within a year. [[a maid? he must be talking housekeepers because i KNOW no one would be stupid enough to call an adult, unmarried woman a MAID.]]
  • When a newly married couple first enters their new home, the one who gets the left foot over the doorstep first will rule the show.
  • Rubbing against a newly married couple is said to be infectious. [[isn't that a real live fetish, with a name and everything? rubbing up against people?
  • Seeing two crows in the morning will be bring surprises in the afternoon.[[my life should be a surprise party, then. because there are some damn obnoxious crows that live outside my window. i hate birds.]]
  • Rocking an empty cradle will speed a baby into it. [[that, and unprotected sex]]
  • Sitting next to an empty chair means another person is seeking you out.
  • Snuffing out a candle within a minute of its being lit arouses sensual desires.
  • Thinking of a couple while knocking over an empty bucket causes them to rethink their commitment.
  • Putting your hand over your mouth while yawning keeps the Devil from getting in. [[bugs, as well.]]
  • It is considered unlucky to give an umbrella as a gift.
  • A guest who repeatedly refolds his napkin means your home will be blessed during the coming month.

how incredibly useful is that? i bet this is even more helpful than the whole ring thing. which never made a difference, by the way. my rings are back on my middle finger.

4 avril 2003

Three of them. All in their pyjamas? C'est ridicule! What is it, some new American fad?

you should go watch this.
it's awesome. and i will write more later.

3 avril 2003

I think you need to get your friend some help. He seems to be obsessed with super hero sex organs.

hello april! we’ve got daylight savings time and easter to look forward to. daylight savings time does nothing for me. i have springing forward, hate losing my hour. a couple of times this week i stayed late, at work, until it was dark, and the overhead lights were off. had to do it before daylight savings time. not going to stick around until nine just to work in the dark, for pete’s sake. easter used to be one of my favorite holidays. but as we know, i’m not as pro-holiday as i once was. i wonder when i will get that back? now they just make me feel pressured.

this crazy program... i’m using InCopy to write this text. it’s different. it’s trying to screw with me. bastards. every time i save the file, i am actually saving a story. and then you can’t edit it until you chose to edit story. i saved after the first paragraph and then could type no more. i got scared. it’s ok now. the cool thing is i am typing in galley view, with a black background and violet text, and my display font is venis. none of this has anything to do with the actual text created, it’s just the display. i like that.

so what were we last talking about? the pho guys. i’m afraid i have witnessed no further crime since then. to the best of my knowledge. i got an email from my friend dee dee. dee dee is my fellow crime fighter. we once chased a bank robber. we’d been on our way to the grocery store, this was in san diego, and we came around the corner into this fog of pink smoke. all the sudden a women comes out of the building [aforementioned bank] and yells, “follow that man, he just robbed the bank!” the man was on foot and running. well, of course dee dee and i followed in hot pursuit. in her little honda civic. he was running through alleys and jumping fences, and we were doing an ok job of keeping up. suddenly, it occurred to us... what were we planning on doing with him, if we caught up? he could have a gun. we had no guns. and if he didn’t, how were we going to restrain him, exactly. [of course now i know, you sit on him.] not long after the reality of the situation kicked in, we lost him. so we went back to the bank and told them where we’d lost him. and our description. dee dee just emailed me to tell me a story of a lawsuit between her and her mother’s landlords. her mother passed away, and despite a court order, the landlords, who were suing the estate, would not let her in the apartment. so, with the aid of the sherrif’s dept, dee dee used a huge long ladder to break into it. you can’t keep a crime fighter/super hero down.

on april 1st, laurell k. hamilton’s new anita blake novel came out, i had preordered it from amazon.com, it arrived on the 1st, and not long after it turned into the 2nd of april, i had finished it. i read the whole thing that night. couldn’t help myself. i tried to read as slowly as possible. practically reading every word out loud in my head. but, dag nabbit, that jean claude is just so sexy!! i could not resist! and now it’s over. who knows how long i have to wait for the next one. i hope, when i become a best selling author, if i have a character series, i am very very fast. i wouldn’t want to do this to my fans. :)

let's see if lisa would like to share her opinion of the book....