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30 octobre 2003

This place has become impossible. Nothing to eat, freezing cold and now a madman on the prowl outside with eels.

oh man... 32 hours and 23 minutes until naonowrimo starts. actually, it's 24 more minutes. because i can't really start until after midnight. or can i? technically, does midnight on halloween count as Nov. 1st or Oct 31st? i do not know. i'm starting to think all my ideas suck and i am a huge failure before i begin. but it would appear, from looking at the forums, that i am not the only one.

do you think it's a coincidence that i haven't even been able to think of things to write in my blog? no. I'M FREEZING UP, PEOPLE!!

29 octobre 2003

Sometimes, he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy - the sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament.

i am so behind in all my internet distractions. behind in reading other people's blog. behind in all my silly yahoo mail. behind in my nanowrimo forum posting. and definitely behind on my own blog.

there are a couple of important things to say. first; bullets are my best friends.
You are Trinity-
You are Trinity, from "The Matrix."
Strong, beautiful- you epitomize the ultimate

What Matrix Persona Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

please note, i did not cheat.

secondly: loon's latest stephanie plum stickman story is up. hooray! i know she gives me writing credit. but really, it was just a really goofy chat session. and she did all the drawing and that's where the real emotional core of the story lies. and loon is also trinity.

aaaaand.... kam's blog is all pretty and updated and she's posting! hooray kam! lisa should learn from you.

is that it? i think that's it. my cold is still here. and it makes me all spacey. it's hard to concentrate. is it time for stouffer's frozen macaroni and cheese yet? please? can it be lunchtime.

speaking of food, happy ramadan! as we all know, ramadan is a time for fee to fast, so don't go offering her halloween candy until after the sun sets. ramadan started on monday and lasts for a whole month. do you think that fee will get spacier as the month goes on?

27 octobre 2003

I'm talking comics and you bring up chicks and romance.

hello from home. i'm sick. i stayed home today. i have a cold. i'm not one of those people you see on tv. the ones that usually have really really stressful jobs, like deep sea fisherman in alaska or kindergarten teacher. the ones who, in great pain rub their throats or put their fingers to their temple, to indicate that they are sick or in pain. but they can't rest. no, sir... they can't give in. so they take a pill. and all the sudden they are able to withstand oceanic squalls. and five year olds. i hate being sick. hate it. and when i get to a certain level of sick, i shut down. and go to bed. or to couch. you know why? because THAT'S HOW YOU GET BETTER!! you don't get better by taking cold pills and pushing yourself to continue on with your duties. you get better by resting and drinking lots of liquids and blowing your freaking nose. and applying your favorite homestyle remedies such as vitamin c or echinacia. i don't know how to spell it, because i don't take it. . with me, it's orange juice. orange juice, kleenix, bed, and hot bubble baths. and aspirin. but mostly, sleep. i'm not one of those people who feels i have to deny the fact that i am sick, in order to beat it. in my experience, that makes it take longer.

of course, i like the cold pills too. but those are just delightful bonuses used in order to allow me to sleep. i was up almost all night sneezing and blowing my nose. it's all in my head, my cold. i have a sore throat, but no coughing crap. so this morning i emailed in sick and took a cold pill and slept until noon and felt better for it. the sleep part. yesterday, i went to have brunch and i to meet bookclub for dinner, but other than that, i was couch bound. i came straight home from dinner, put my pajamas on, turned on bad WB sunday night tv, and read the Ultimate Danger Girl collection, with a forward from bruce campbell. whom i love. i'm recently a big fan of danger girl. it's awesome.

ok. back to couch.

24 octobre 2003

quizzies from loon...

stealing is fun. so i'm stealing from loon this evening.

How Would YOU Take Over the World?

Sad rock! O.o
You are the depressed rock!

i love the zoloft rock!! i tried to get a prescription to zoloft cuz i like that rock so much. but i guess zoloft doesn't do much for allergies.

You are an Old Soul!
You are an old soul writer--neither a pantser (who
writes by the seat of her pants) nor a plotter
(who plots out a book before writing it).
You're a person who values serendipity and
spontaneity, but also realizes the benefit of
having an idea where a story is going before
you write it. You may make up an outline or
have a plan for a book, and write something
totally different, but that's OK. You're not
comfortable writing without having at least
some idea of where the story is going, but you
also like the freedom to change the story from
what you originally planned. You're a born
writer who realizes the value of serendipity.

What Kind of a Writer Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
i am old soul. i have lived many previous lives. in one life, i was a tadpole, i just know it. i have tadpole type thoughts.

seriously tho... remind me to tell you about the time i won a free "past life regression" session sometime.

What Irrational Number Are You?
You are π

Of all the irrational numbers, you are the most famous. You have many friends and fans. Like many people, non-Euclidean geometry makes you feel uncomfortable. You are involved in so many things that it seems like it would take two of you to make ends meet.

You are particularly close to the rational number 22/7. However, you and e have been called "remarkable."

Your lucky number is approximately 3.14159265

Shiny Lemur
Straif's Blog

pie? i LOVE pie! save your fork, there's pie!!

for those of you who can't see images...

well, it would appear that this happens in IE 6, on windows. and that's it. Louise and I cannot figure out why. probably because she is somewhat delusional. however, if you can use a different browswer, like mozilla, and see if that works for you, i'd appareciate it. i have posted to the moveable type forum, to see if they have any ideas.

stupid IE.

ooo... i'm so excited!

so excited i'm not even using movie quotes for subject lines. i am so excited, because i am about to bring the smack down upon a sales person. here at work. not at some store. someone here. who is abusing and misusing systems that have been put into place. he did it in about five different ways, and, unfortunately for him, he did it to my babytechs as well. so it's been documented in case notes. and, unfortunately for him, i'm in the mood for a smack down!

it's trés exciting. i justed listed off his crimes to my podmates. and their reaction to enthusiasm was "oooooooooh... someone's in trouble."

btw, louise. i didn't do anything. if it's fixed, it's because you were LYING in the first place. :P

23 octobre 2003

louise is delusional...

that's all i'm saying, kids. i work with her. i know. believe me. poor girl thinks she's scottish.

hey louise, my stepdad took me out for dinner. guess what i had? a big fat STEAK!! i love me some cooked flesh of cow.

ok. since this "issue" has moved from CNR, to "able to recreate internally, even if it louise, and she's delusional." i'll take a look at her computer. but i'm telling you.... it's cuz you all overly dependant on microsoft. i just know it.

21 octobre 2003

Can you pay a rainbow to be less beautiful?

oh, not much going on here today. i've waited all day for inspiration to strike. then i decided that my nails were too long, and that was impeding my ability to type. so i filed them down. still no inspiration. but it's easier to type!

so, it occurred to me... they say that when you take a dislike to someone, you should look at the characteristics that cause you to dislike them. they are most likely the characteristics that you fear you, yourself, portray. it's quite possible that i don't like the alternajodi, from nyc, because i fear that i am snobby and arrogant. maybe? and, dag nabbit, if her last couple of posts weren't funny!

but then i remembered. the alternajodi is vegan. and that really explains everything, doesn't it?

20 octobre 2003

Yeah! Let's go get sushi and not pay.

i did four loads of laundry and that's not even the tip of the iceberg baby. that's just all the darks. minus any black. the blacks warrant a load or two all their own. yes, i have not done significant laundry in a while. plus, i have a lot of sheets. i have a slight bedding addiction.

since i found the cord to my digital camera, here are two pictures from the conveyor belt sushi place. click image to enlarge:

evildeb's pile of sushi plates. the colors represent the different prices. which were listed on the wall. that's evildeb's evil hand with the chopsticks.

sushi going 'round and 'round and nobody eating it until it gets bad and poisonous. but that's just my concern. i have no proof.

You caught me. I'm a laundry virgin.

hello and welcome to my day off! don't get too excited, i'm doing laundry. and i have soooo much laundry. i'm going to do a mountain of it today, and that won't even be half. it won't even be a third. because i have a mountain range of laundry to do. i've been using dirty laundry to carpet my bedroom. it's soft and squishy. but i don't have enough baskets to take all the laundry i have to the laundrymat. which is where i am going. so i'll have to go back later this week, in the evening. but... first things first.

yesterday, i picked a card to represent my next year. this is in addition to the card i automatically get, just by having my birthday. we'll discuss that card later. but here's the card i got for the year:

Sage of Worlds: Master
Through experience, you have mastered your craft Because you know how the wheels turn in the world, you have mastered the wheel of fortune. As the master of your art, you see your reflection in your work. Perform your trade and fulfill your responsibilities impeccably. Use your worldly life to cultivate your inner character. Engage in "right livelihood" of living healthy, wealthy, happy and holy.

Through your knowledge and the quality of your efforts, you achieve power and status, symbolized by the crown and elk horns. Though king of the mountain, nevertheless be humble, modest and share of your wealth. As one who is fully established, relax in your work, play at it and enjoy it. Take time out to pursue your hobbies, get energized, be with your friends and follow a spiritual path.

pretty cool, huh?

see ya later!

19 octobre 2003

I'm having a birthday party, but you're not invited, but you can come if you want.

today was a pretty good day. i had brunch, which i love. i got presents, which i also love, and my mom made me a peach pie. yet another thing i love. but ti's 7pm, and i am still full from all the norwegian pancakes i ate.

so i was playing around online. and long story short, i came to a blog written by another jodi. and i found it very entertaining and honest, and she had lots of people who obviously enjoyed her blog, because she had lots of comments. i thought i might post a link to her blog on mine. that gave me an idea. maybe i should post a list of links, to blogs by other jodis. so i did a search, and i found another one, by a jodi in new york city. i spent some time reading her blog. and just like you'd expect, she's witty and funny and smart and sarcastic and opinionated. she's very jodi.

here's the problem. i don't like her. i mean, she all those things listed above, and her blog is very entertaining. but i really don't like her. or, to be more precise, i don't like the person that is represented on her blog. which i have been instructed to call her "site" as she hates the word blog. [not me personally, anyone referring to her blog is to do so]. i think she's... snobby. and kind of mean. and sometimes that comes across as funny, and sometimes it comes across as arrogant. and again, snobby. i was very conflicted by this. she's talented, funny, smart, witty... and yet, i don't like her. wouldn't want to meet her. i'm disappointed. and while i think i'll continue to occasionally read her blog, i'm not going to link to it. i had it all set up, it was actually up and posted, under Other Jodiblogs. until i read the part about not calling it a blog. and that was the final straw. because i had a picture in my miind of the blogjodi getting mad at me for calling it a blog. and ignoring the fact i thought highly enough of it to list it, along with dr. frank and wil wheaton. so.. i can't link it. i don't like her. i admire her talent, but that's not enough. she, too, has lots of admirers, although at some point, the option to comment disappeared on her blog. and i couldn't help but think that she just couldn't be bothered. a flat out assumption on my part, but i only have what she writes to form impressions of her. i don't know... i feel bad for not liking her, you know? can someone explain that to me?

however, there is another jodi, the first one i mentioned. and if you want to check out her blog, you can do so here. ithe other jodi? feh, go find her yourself.

17 octobre 2003

Don't worry, I'm not who I used to be. I've had extensive therapy. I realize that I have been using food as a substitute for love and I have the books to prove it

so high tea? ROCKS!! everyone go out and have high tea right now. i've discovered i like tea. good tea. with milk. i'd never had tea with milk. well, except for oregon chai. which is pretty damn good stuff. in of itself. but i had a chai tea brewed loose, with milk. and wee bit of sugar. so good. i had lots of it. lots and lots and lots. pots and pots. and little chicken salad sandwiches with no crusts. and tiny lemon tarts. and chocolate cake. and scones. and sorbet. and shortbread. and fresh fruit. so much little food. and soooo much lovely caffeine. delightful. i even had my own little bowl of real whipped cream. and butter. we decided that the ladies' high tea club is going to have to meet quarterly. on bonus paycheck day. should we warrant our bonuses that quarter.

this weekend is northwest bookfest and fee and ellie... you will be jealous. big scrabble to-do. you get to challenge a seattle scrabble club champion... or something. whoo-eeee... scrabble. anyway, i might try to hit it on saturday.

we had a big storm last night, wind and rain. lots of flooding and fallen trees guess a lot people lost power, but i did not. and one guy died, stepping on a downed power line. he thought it was a flare and asked his friend to stop the van, he got out to stomp on it, put it out, and died instantly. probably not a bad way to die, except that it's very sad he died in the first place. his poor friend must have freaked.

that's all i have today. i've got a huge headache. i'd really like someone to cut off my head please. i was hoping lots and lots of caffeine would help. sadly, no. but it did give me the jitters. which is fun.

16 octobre 2003

My peeps are on the frits.

well, i did see something kinda fun this morning, on my way to work. i saw the peeps fun bus!!! yes! i know! just seeing it was so much fun. even tho i just passed it on the freeway, it really changed my entire outlook for the day. i don't know where the peeps fun bus was headed. east on 520, i know that much. maybe some lucky elementary school was going to get a visit. it should go visit my uncle jim and aunt vickie. my uncle loves peeps. and my aunt once tried to make them for scratch. they ended up looking like pink piles of dog poop. we called 'em "poops" instead of "peeps." of course.

i took pictures of the sushi going around on the conveyor belt, but i cannot find the cord that connects my digital camera to my computer. it's bumming me out seriously. the sushi plates had little clear plastic tops on, so i couldn't poke my finger into them as they went by. additionally, we were in a booth, and i was not sitting adjacent, directly, to the shushi.

i will find that cord and get a picture up for you. it's too cute. plus, i want to take pictures of the Ladies High Tea and Tiara party tomorrow. i know you are DYING to see it, dear internet friends.

nuclear physicist monkey with atom. 2003.

15 octobre 2003

Well, you should see what happens when you mention my name at The Rug Barn. You get a glass of cold mint tea and a rough kiss from a guy named Misha.

i'm sort of annoyed. bored, in a way. i have not seen anything interesting in many days. no impatient senior citizens, pushing people into crosswalks, no screaming insane men, spraying the inside of garment bags and yelling at people, nobody walking down the street in a planet of the apes mask. i haven't even had to admonish any fellow consumers, who were being unnecessarily rude to retail clerks. and that's my favorite hobby! i had to nearly swallow a bug, just to liven things up! sad. the satus quo is boring.

i'm going to lunch with my fellow teammates. we are going to some new sushi place that has food going around on a conveyor belt. you take what you want. thing is, i don't want anything, because i don't like sushi. i'm hoping for some teriyaki. there'd better be some teriyaki, or i am going to pout. or, i'm just going to start messing with things, as they go by!! yeah, that's what i'll do. i will touch each and every piece of sushi that moves past me. i'll let you know how it goes.

oh, but this is cute. on friday, the ladies of the dept are having the first official High Teas and Tiaras outing. we are going to the queen mary's tea room. the reason for the tiara part? they give you tiaras to wear. like i don't do THAT everyday. this whole idea was evildeb's. she is a cruise director. when she left my team for a while, i really missed that. and i had to start doing it. but she's back. so i can relax. anyway, we've actually found numerous places to have high tea, including a scottish place nearby. so we are hoping to make this a regular thing. now if the boys want to have their own outing, they can. but they will never get it together enough to plan it. maybe they could just all walk across the street together. and go to the auto parts store.

14 octobre 2003

Then get over it. I mean that in a sensitive way.

yesterday i received an email from someone in a yahoo group i belong to, accusing me of nefarious activities such as driving some members away, and stealing others for my own personal agenda. and it really really shocked me, the animosity of it. not to mention, just the fact that someone thought i was doing these things. i was just as sorry to see the departing member leave as anyone else. and i'd be very sorry if i had anything to do with it. but i honestly don't think my off topic agenda could be the sole cause of it. i don't know... maybe i was the straw that broke the camel's back. but my intentions were innocent. i was merely sharing something i thought would be of interest to others. the details aren't important, the fact is... the email shocked me and made me feel rotten. and a little bit like i was in jr. high. i did answer back. i probably should have ignored it. but that need to defend oneself reared up... and i replied. and it didn't make me feel any better.

the reason this is interesting to me, besides the fact it's about ME for pete's sake, is that i am currently reading a book called "Entre nous : a woman's guide to finding her inner French girl." i saw this book months ago in barnes and noble. and it kind of made me laugh. and it intrigued me. so i put it on my hold list at the library. and i just got it the other day. it was a very very popular book. now see, from what i've read so far... a french girl would have laughed "haHA" and that email, and gone about her business. because she is not overly concerned with other people's opinions. she is concerned with being herself. she would not have replied, but she would have said, "Vous êtes une petite anomalie. Ne me tracassez pas avec vos avis" and drawn a bubble bath. i got the bubble bath part right. i just need to remember the "you are a little bug. do not bother me with your opinions" part.

but in actuality, i'm scottish, irish, swedish and norwegian. and i'm more apt to go verbal romper stomper on her ass. but i didn't. i was calm. because i'm also DUTCH!

Chef Monkey with Berry Pie. 2003.

13 octobre 2003

if this isn't a hint to get outside for a while...

i don't know what is.

i often listen to movie scores at work. i can have my headphones on, and block out distractions, but it doesn't distract me from whatever i am researching. so, i just said i am in a crappy mood, right? i put on my headphones, and what is the live365 movie score station playing at this exact moment? schinlier's list. now, if you are in a blue mood, do NOT listen to this movie score. it's not going to help. i need something like... the score to superman.


Oh, cut the bleeding heart crap, will ya? We've all got our switches, lights, and knobs to deal with, Striker.

i'm in a pretty crappy mood. i'm trying to snap out of it, but i'm not having much success. i will say, i felt pretty happy when i put on my new coat this morning. it's not really gortex, cuz those coats are really expensive. it's not for the snow, it's for everyday misty seattle winter crap. but i like it. yesterday was a very blustery day, which i enjoyed, the likes kept flickering and i am sure there are fallen tree branches everywhere this morning. but i tried on my new coat and it was THE PERFECT COAT for the day. so it was a good choice.

however, even the perfect coat cannot improve my mood. i had a bad writing weekend. and it put pinpricks in my fragile faith balloon. and it's not even november 1st. maybe i'm trying too hard. maybe because each of the three things i tried were not in my voice. [outline, synopsis, and jacket blurb] i don't know. i'll pass on the actual outline. it's in my head. so is the synopsis, btw. it was an excellent little synopsis. but it won't come out of my brain. and i think i am having the same trouble with the blurb as i do with my technical/professional writing. the minute i try to write with someone else's style guide, i freeze up. it's no wonder i spent more of my time working on web projects and drawing monkeys.

speaking of web projects, there is a new, updated, list of überblogs over to the left. i've added kam, who has yet to name her blog. she is out of town, but i expect great things from her. and lonnie, who, like the super genius he is, has already posted to it. that's why we love lonnie. also, i've added wicked's blog under øtherblog's. wicked is part of my nanowrimo writing group, SGNMFOS. which, again, i'll explain what that stands for, when i complete the graphic. anyway, we had a nice time chatting on saturday evening. mostly about me, and stuff i've done. wheeee!

i think i'm going to need macaroni and cheese from whole foods hot food dept. for lunch. it's that kind of day. and a jamba juice.

see ya!

12 octobre 2003

Do you have to have special clothes to feel special? I just put on a clean pair of underwear and I feel great!

mmmm... every single item of clothing i am wearing is straight from the laundry basket. smelling all fresh and laundrified.

last night i tried to write a summary of my story. an informal synopsis. i had it all in my head, i was thinking it out, as if i were causually telling someone what it was about as i drove around town running errands. but when i tried to write it out, it didn't come out well. which made me start to doubt my ability to even write the story. if i am just editorializing a casual synopsis, what am i going to do when i am trying to write the actual story?

well, i'm taking a break from it today, at least until this evening. i'm taking lola to the car wash, and then i am meeting my mom, pattie, at REI. she's going to buy me a birthday present!! and it's not even my birthday. yet. ok. it's in a week. she wanted to buy me dressy clothes. but i told her... i don't really need any dressy clothes. i do not have a dressy life, currently. and i do not have anything coming up. no dressy xmas party that i know of. no wedding, until hers, and that's at the end of May. nothing. what i really need, is a new gortex jacket. a seattle staple. we bought mine when i first moved back... 15 and a half years ago. it still works. but it lacks warmth features and fits funny. so we are meeting at REI. she has a coupon. 20% off. everybody wins!!

wicked, a member of my nanowrimo writing group, suggested we write the jacket blurb to our stories. i think i am going to try that when i get back. not so sure how much i am going to outline. maybe a really really really skeletal one? i know, maybe i'll write major plot points on index cards. and then i will take the index cards and arrange them on a tack board. just kidding. or maybe not. that's sort of a good idea. hmmmm......

11 octobre 2003

oh now i feel BAD!!

someone was mean to me. and tried to hurt my feelings. luckily... i'm more concerned with my own amusement, than the opinion of others, huh? but, we all know what happens to masturbators, mental or otherwise.

go away, monkey

damn stupid clip art cds are at work. now i have to go all the way down to work to get them. all the way being about 12 minutes, since it's not weekday rush hour. but that is not the point.

i've got fee's political board up. i'll let her announce it when she's ready. but when she does, you have to go look at her adorable, but knowledgable potato. she made it herself. all this smart talk had better not take her away from the 'brain, however. i can shut her down, if her priorities slip.

did two loads of laundry, and bought some little bitty xmas lights, at target, for the fake tree behind my desk. inspirational muse attracting mood lighting. it's frickin' freezing in my apartment. i had not realized the back door was all the way open. i thought it was only cracked. it's cold outside!! so the space heater is pointed at me right now. you know it's cold when i break out the space heater.

since i'm cold... and out of dr. pepper... now is as good a time as any to go get those clip art cd's. cuz lola has leather butt warmers, you know.

Now from what I hear, you're usng your paper not for writing but for rollin' doobies! You're gonna be doing alot of doobie rolling when you're living in a van down by the river!

bonjour petits chatons de l'Internet!! what's up for today, eh? well, many chores. that's what. some laundry. some kitchen cleaning. some removal of garbage. setting up a forum for fee. she wants a political discussion board. i'm not good at the political discussion, unless you make me angry. so i think i'll be one of those people who just goes in and gets people riled up. and then sits back and laughs. shhhhh... don't tell fee. and maybe i'll do some design updates on the 'brain while i'm at it.

but mostly, i'm going to outline today. we have three weeks until wrimo and i am so excited i'm about to burst. so i'm going to outline. and i am going to create a graphic for the elitest writers group i have formed with loon. i'll reveal the name when the graphic is done. so far, there are three of us. loon, blue and me.

but yes, outlining. when i'm done with the outline, fee is going to check it out for me. fee is my editor. although, she shouldn't expect to edit anything until december. i need to be able to write like no one is reading. i need to not think so much. the thinking comes in december.

re: the search strings. one string that came up, on another log, that probably won't make it into october's top 20 is "jodi is an easy fuck." i kid you not. just yesterday someone searched on that. i'm so proud.

10 octobre 2003

top twenty search strings for sept. 2003

so i'm sitting here, looking at the search strings that led people to jodiferous.com.
it's loons fault. it was her idea. the control panel for web space gives me the top 20 searches for each month.

so now, i proudly present to you... the top 20 search strings that led people to jodiferous.com

1 over-egging the pudding
2 dibbuk box
3 agent provocateur red tape mp3
4 agent provocateur red tape mp3 download
5 he's not the messiah he's a very naughty boy
6 lower abdominal pain
7 red tape agent provocateur mp3
8 over egging the pudding
9 agent provocateur red tape download
10 redtape.mp3
11 tom likus
12 agent provocateur redtape
13 female intuition
14 red tape by agent provocateur download
15 cpanel license
16 red tape agent provocateur mp3 download
17 baby stewie
18 bring lawyers guns and money
19 he's not the messiah
20 i wear the cheese

a lot of them are very redundant. and i'm embarrassed to be linked to tom likus. but.. oh well.


I'm not sure she's capable of any real feelings. She's television generation. She learned life from Bugs Bunny.

sugar high! a woman here at work is leaving on maternity leave. to celebrate, she brought in all kinds of yummy cake from whole foods. so we sat in the sunny corner lounge and ate cake and talked for some time. and soon i will crash. i did not eat my lunch first. because i wanted to make sure there was room for cake. maybe i'll eat some later. it's leftover stinky cheese pizza.

so, i haven't written the last couple of days. shame on me. i was busy at work, and didn't really take breaks. and when i got home, i was in the mood to hit the couch. so i did. WITH MY FISTS. no. i was in a real telly mood. also, i'm not sure anything really interesting has come up recently. it's probably because of that tv watching. tv probably sucks all the interesting parts out of your life.

ummm... so i got nothing. i'm going to the mall tonight. going to see if they are hiring seasonal help at the apple store. and i need some new benefit bad girl mascara. because i'm a baaaaad girl.

7 octobre 2003

You just listened to me mentally puke

loon posted this on her blog. and i cannot ell you how relieved i am. this explains A LOT. i'm happy because now i know there is a reason behind my crazy mind... i'm meant to profit off it! i shall use this crazy mind to become a best selling author!

that's all i really have today. not feeling well. i went home early yesterday because i felt pukey. and i still feel pukey. i really want to crawl into bed. that's what i want.

6 octobre 2003

Here's a job that I can do. "Police are seeking third gunman." Tomorrow, I'm gonna march over to the police station and show them that I'm the man they're looking for.

can't remember how to do my job... typical monday. might be a good day to try to clean the mess that is my cube. usally what happens is, i get started, and then something comes up to remind me what my job is, someone emails me, or i have a meeting or it just comes back to me. besdies, i brought a little can of air, with the straw attachment, for blowing crap out from between your keys on your keyboard from home. so i have to clean up a little.

so lets reply to some comments, to show how much we appreciate getting them.

judes says:
and i like how he affirms your belief that you are indeed a supergenius.
can't really deny the obvious, judes.

fee says:
you know, when i saw that you were a lemur i was all, "i wish i were a lemur!" and then i saw that you weren't that happy about being a lemur. whatever - i took the test and i'm lemur, too.

i guess i just wanted to be something really fast or really smart. like a dolphin. or something that could fly. but i do like the nosy aspect of the lemur. and since you are a lemur too, we can hang out on the branch together. although i cannot see you disregarding the law. i'll handle that part, ok?

thanks for the nalgene tip. wide-mouth ruby for me. i think i'm just going to drink out of it like a cup though.

i now have the ruby 32oz narrow mouth bottle. for water. and a sage wide mouth and sapphire wide mouth. both 32oz. and i got a little sippy thing that goes in the top, so that you dont' spill. it's nice.

louise says:
I heard about the centipede incident direct from the only other witness!!! Yes, that was the topic of my 1:1. We sad and grimaced and "euuwwwed" instead of writing my quarterly goals.
But good news to cheer you up, they're making another Dr Who series and Eddie Izzard is tipped to play the Docotor!!! I can't vouch for it's accuracy being that it was noted in the Sun newspaper...

louise!! hi! you didn't finish your goals? i'm the one who sipped the bug and at least we finished my goals.

romy - that spider story was DISGUSTING!! it reminded me of my brother. who had me convinced, when i was a kid, that earwigs lived in the basement of my grandmother's house in denver. and so everytime i slept over, i tried to fall asleep with my hands over my ears.

just to let you all knoiw, loon is my sworn enemy. enemies are something you use in nanowrimo to help you finish. as in [mock darth vader voice] you are my sworn enemy, and i shall finish my 50k before. prepare for defeat! also, i would like an order of the penne arrabiata.*[/mock darth vader voice] so that's fun! i imagine it's one of those enemies in which we can mock and torment each other, but no one else better pick on my enemy. i'll kick their ass. right? maybe not. maybe she's out for my blood.

*i'm sorry. but darth vader and pennie arrabiata will forever be associated in my mind. and whenever i use the mock darth vader voice, i will have to order penne arrabiata.

4 octobre 2003

bubble on, jodi

hey dear internet friends, guess what i did for you? instead of just going home after working, and being an antisocial little shut-in, i went to a work shop at a new age bookstore. simply so i could possibly have something to write about today! i did it for you. because i am perfectly happy being a hermit. hermitess. whatever.

off topic side note: i am typing at a speed not previous experienced. i have not had THAT much dr. pepper, but my fingers are FLYING. it's kind of scary. they are moving at 45rpm.

back on topic.so voyager tarot's dr. wanless was in back in town. i mentioned that earlier... that he'd be here.

you know, off topic again, my blog is out of control, i can no longer easily find old entries to link back to them. it's been over a year now. i need some kind of category system. i imagine i could spend some hours not working at work, assigning categories to my entries.

back topic. evildeb was not in town to go with me, and so we couldn't' get drunk ahead of time. so i would have to go alone. but i was feeling kinda guilty about the drunk thing, and i didn't attend the last workshop, (see above feelings about drunkenness. ) so i decided to go. it was a much smaller class and i think evildeb would have enjoyed it much more. even sober. it was more interactive. i'm sorry she wasn't' there. because at one point, i was asked to work with the person next to me. now, those of you who know me, know i don't really read tarot cards. i just like them. i get readings from james [dr. w.] every couple of years, because he's so proactive and positive. and not really about the fortune telly stuff. but i don't' read other peoples cards. i use them for myself. i will, however, pull cards and have conversations about them. but i don't really do readings.

and, those of you who know me, know that i am somewhat of an introverted extrovert. and the last year has been much more about self reflection, and less about other people. so selfish! so how am i supposed to look at a card, and look at this stranger, and have any feelings about what that card means for them? seriously, this is something i could have done two years ago. but things are different now, and so am i. i've pulled in. so i just sat there, in my way, looking at the card, and looking at this very nice woman, who's name i have forgotten, babbling. she said, "go ahead, i can see you are just bubbling over with stuff to say." and she's right, i am. but nothing about her. i took her card and immediately thought about what that card would mean to me. see what i mean? it sounds so selfish, which i write it. if deb were there, or anyone else i knew remotely, i would have been able to have some thoughts about the card. but whatever sensors you possess, to pick up on other people's energy, are at half power for me right now.

james came over and we started talking about my card, and what she saw in it for me. much more interesting to me, of course. the question was, put ubersimply, what path do you need to take to achieve a sense of WHOLE. and my card? the hermit of course!! now see, can you understand why i can't pick up on other people's shit, if i am supposed to be shutting out worldly distractions? hello? anyways, me me me... the moon at the top of that card is a harvest moon, which james said can also mean a time of great creation, especially in this fall season. so i told them about NaNoWriMo. more lovely discussion about me.

however, then he wanted to know what i saw in her card. which was, the moon. and i tried to explain my lack of insight [pls. refer to my card, people, the hermit.] but the nice woman again mentioned my bubbliness. and james seemed to concur. so i said, "bubble on, jodi" making a little xena joke. cracked myself up. bubble on, jodi. and hence the title of today's scattered blog entry.

in the spirit of last nights class, i'd like to provide you with a soundbyte of my april 2000 reading with james, in which he calls me an alien and i giggle like a school girl and then explain to him i am a supergenius.


bubble on, indeed.

3 octobre 2003

let's take some quizzies....

gimme some sugar, baby!
You have an entrancing kiss~ the kind that leaves
your partner bedazzled and maybe even feeling
he/she is dreaming. Quite effective; the kiss
that never lessens and always blows your
partner away like the first time.

What kind of kiss are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


You Have the Power of Teleportation!

What's Your Magic Power?
brought to you by Quizilla

a lemur? i'm a fuckin' lemur?
picture of lemur

brought to you by Quizilla

All right, listen up. If there are any bugs in here, or rats, or anything that has more legs than I do, you just stay on your side of the room, okay?

oh my god. wait until you hear what happened to me this morning. i WAS prepared to tell you all about how i colored my hair red last night. and how i sort of only took into account the "medium brown" aspects of it, and not the growing out blond. and about how i now had BRIGHT FUCK OFF RED highlights instead of blond. but i'm not going to do that. cuz i just did. looks kinda punk actually. it's semi-perm, so it will fade a bit.

anway, what happened to me this morning is far more tragic and dramatic. it's the kind of thing that makes me say "uh. well. at least i have something to write about." so, do you remember the story about evildeb, the latte, and the bee? well, i had my own little bug experience this morning. i was sitting in my boss's office, having a 1:1, drinking my breakfast. which, for those of you who do not know, is a 44 ounce dr. pepper from a soda fountain in the mini mart near my house. i'd been working on it for about 45 minutes. i felt something in my mouth, and thought it was a thread or something. and then i realized, whatever was in my mouth, came from the straw. i had just taken a sip. i spit it out into my hand and it was a BUG!! but it was a long skinny type bug. black. it looked sort of centipedish. i went "aaarrrrrhhhh!" and pam said, "there's still some in your mouth there is still some in your mouth!!" so i started swiping at my tongue to get it out. she handed me a bottle of water, but i had to make sure it was all off before i could swallow water. otherwise i'd be swallowing bug bits.

near as i can figure, it had to be dead in the cup. because the soda would have gone through some kind of aerator thing. i'm totally sicked out. so was pam. it's her worst nightmare, she said. i think we both should go home. molly said a wee little centipede is worse than a bee. because bee's are cute and fuzzy and do good things. and centipede's are not. and have too many legs. but i'm not sure "fuzzy" should count as a good thing, when it comes to having it in your mouth.

blech. i am going to go buy two naglene wide mouth bottles, in pretty colors of course, and drill straw size holes in the top. [yay! power tools!] and i'm using those from now on. they are transparent. i'll be able to see what's inside. and i'll be able to run them through the dishwasher. plus, molly says they are on sale this weekend, at REI.

2 octobre 2003

maybe this will help you understand me...

lick me... i'm a macintosh.

The imputation was totally without basis in fact, and was in no way fair comment, and was motivated purely by malice, and I deeply regret any distress that my comments may have caused you, or your family, and I hereby undertake not to repeat any such slan

sometimes i enjoy looking back at stuff i've done, so i can laugh at myself and tell myself how funny i am. i can't help. hell yeah, i'm insecure... i need approval. but the approval i like the best? mine!! bwahahaha!! however, i've received some very nice comments recently. some of them ANONYMOUS! and i'm so grateful for that. so to the strangers who have said nice things, i say THANKS! and a special thanks to loon, who is not a stranger, but has said many nice things to me lately. so go visit her blog, don't be shy. leave her comments.

so anyway, cracking myself up, yeah... i'm working on my quarterly goals for Q4. which actually started sept. 1st. but that's ok, i still have to write them. i hate writing my goals. there is a professional language that is used in these things, and it's a language i just don't speak. the only thing more painful than writing my quarterly goals, is providing peer feedback on my coworkers. previously, my comments could have been copied and pasted into the employees focal review, and i used to BLEED with the pain of trying to write constructively and professionally. now, however, the comments are "repurposed" by the manager, and they general reword the comments into something more general. so last year i told my boss that i wasn't even going to try to write in corporate speak. i was going to write in my own voice. luckily for me, my boss at the time found them amusing, and let me do stuff like that.

i'm making this short story very long, aren't i? get to the point. the point is, i was trying to find last quarter's goals, and i came across my peer feedback for 2003, done last spring, so i was reading some of my comments. and you know what? I'M FUNNY!! it's a shame the peers didn't get to read my comments as is. all that funny, wasted on only myself and my manager. until now.

excerpts. names have been changed to protect nobody but me. i hope this isn't like some huge professional mistake or something.

"Well, I already mentioned above that EMPLOYEE communicates insights so that others can benefit, I just didn't say it as pretty. He's a pretty agreeable guy, and when asked to assist with SOME PROJECT, he took on that responsibility without complaint. I've never given him any feedback for self-improvement in his PROFESSIONAL life. I notice he completely ignores my advice for self-improvement in his personal life, however. But that's not defensive, is it?"

"EMPLOYEE loves the customers! Since he is so loud on the phone, I've had ample opportunity to hear him on the phone with external customers ... he maintains a positive, patient and friendly attitude throughout the entire call, no matter how long it is .. even if it messes up his personal or professional schedule. And as mentioned above, the same goes for internal customers.

Re: the loud comment. he can't help it, he's just so enthusiastic about helping customers! we tell him he's loud, and he quiets down for about a minute and a half, but that enthusiasm just comes bubbling up again. it's ok, we just make fun of him."

"The last three points on this chart are what makes EMPLOYEE so sparkley. It's a pleasure to work with him on a project, as he always follows through and owns his part. Plus, he never freaks out. Which leaves room for me to freak out. I appreciate that.
And he is one of the brightest crayons in the box, that's for sure. "

"It would be nice if EMPLOYEE could pay just a little bit more attention to me and my problems. Maybe he sits too far away? Maybe I should put a picture of myself on his desk, so he doesn't forget to focus on my needs. I wouldn't let this small flaw affect his focal however. "

"EMPLOYEE works toward having an happy and cohesive team. I think the only one he bickers with is me. but that's because he loves me soooooo much, he feels comfortable being a huge pain in my ... backside. It's a sibling type thing. I'm not sure he can help it that he is just wrong [and annoying] so much more often than I am. Must be hard for him, I imagine. He's a brave little soldier. "

"EMPLOYEE has been a huge influence on me. Oh yes, HUGE. In areas of the arts, literature, cuisine, travel, etc.

I'm kidding, I just seemed to focus on the word "Influencing" part of the title of this section. It struck me as funny. But actually, it's true. Whenever you see people looking pained when EMPLOYEE, ANOTHER EMPLOYEE and I sit together in a class or meeting, it's because they have a big influence on me. Sure, it's to monkey around and get in trouble, but it doesn't specify what kind of influence, does it? No."

"However, when he is listening to music on his headphones, he turns the volume way way up. too up. and I am certain he will go deaf. It does not affect others, just thought I'd mention it. And it wouldn't hurt him to bring ME an egg mcmuffin once in a while.

1 octobre 2003

Yes, and I need a prehensile tail so I can grab onto things like a monkey.

this afternoon i am working from home!!

it's working out ok. except, i don't have a laptop, so i don't have everything i need here with me. i think it would be better if i worked on a laptop, and i had it with me, here at home. and that is why i am replacing my computers with laptops/powerbooks when it comes time to replace them. sparkie says i might be able to replace my pc this quarter!! my mac, unfortunately, is too new for replacement. ahh... oui. c'est vrai.

so, i have to go back to work. because i will feel extra guilty if i blog from home. i just needed to get my nanowrimo icon up, on the side of the blog. :)


today is registeration day!!


i'm not officially registered, as registeration for new authors will not be fully functional until 3pm PST. but once i am, i get to put that little icon on my website. i'm so proud.

i'm buying a tshirt!