here are the elements of my dreams last night. first of all, i dreamed that between eastern and western washington, there was a rest stop area off the hi-way that featured a group of people selling mattresses at a discount. you could see the mattress from the hi-way itself. piles of them, displayed upon a rock formation. [we are still in eastern/central washington at this point, so things are more dry and arid.] also, while you were there, you could watch this spinal tapesque rockband perform. they would perform outdoors, and sell their own albums, which were indeed vinyl. they were awesome and terribly funny, but i can’t really remember the name. it started with an A. and i had this weird triangular bolt thing, that was part of their band logo, that i took from one of their shows. i ran into david bowie there. kam was with me, and she, too, loved them. later, we climbed the rock formations and pushed the mattresses off the cliff. it was fun.
then, later, i went to my normal laundromat place, were i used to drop off my laundry to be done. [yes, laundry is on my mind.] and all of the sudden, the lights turned off and i was in the dark. a voice came over the pa system telling me they were closing their doors for good. i saw a light coming through a door on the far side of the laundromat that really wasn’t like my laundromat at all, and followed it. i discovered that the laundromat was connected to a huge, modern house. that was built on hill, in seattle. whereas the actual laundromat is located in woodinville. i don’t’s a dream. anyway, this place was under construction, it was beautiful with high cathedral ceilings and plate glass windows with a view of elliot bay. i was walking along planks that were suspended several feet in the air, above lower floors, and exploring the house. i walked through a door and suddenly i was in this crazy club. and it belonged to the crazy spinal tapesque band. i was so excited, i ran right into them. i apologized for being in their house, it was an accident, and then i told them how much i loved them, and showed them the little bolt i had stolen from their show, i wore it on my finger like a ring. they were terribly sorry to tell me that they were breaking up, but i should stay, and enjoy myself. bummer, i loved those guys. suddenly i was in this room, where tiny japanese children were performing in a dance recital for their parents. there were many non japanese parents with their non japanese children there, and the parents were explaining how they, the children, would be starting this dance class tomorrow. the non japanese children didn’t look all that interested. i don’t know why, because this was the most awesome dance class i’d ever seen. the floor upon which they were dancing was bouncy, like a trampoline. and there were different things strewn about the floor, to make noises. the dance itself consisted of the tiny japanese children jumping and running and yelling, making the different objects move and shake and make noises. they were doing an interpretive dance of weather. thunderstorms, and rain and wind.... i think this whole thing was inspired by those rain sticks, that you turn, and seeds fall to the other end - mimicking the sounds of rain. you know what i’m talking about? these kids were doing a lot of jumping. it looked fun. and to get out of the room, i had to cross this floor, which was quite large, and divided into sections, to keep the noise making objects separate. i couldn’t help bouncing to the other side. no one seemed to mind.
and then i was in seattle. with fee and howie and my paternal grandparents. who were in much better health than the truly are, but still rather frail. i had lost my car. we could not find it. i wondered the streets looking for it, hitting they remote on my keys to make it flash it’s headlights and honk the horn. [something that it doesn’t really do, in real life.] it made a lot of cars honk and light up, but none of them were mine. howie decided to go off and look for it, while we sat and had coffee. my grandparents were very tired. we were at this hotel that was called the flamingo. it had several really cool pools. so we decided to check them out. in order to get from one pool, to another, you had to go through a pool. there was no way to walk around them, really. that’s when i discovered that if i walked very quickly, i could basically walk on water. take THAT son of god!! we got to this beautiful hot springs pool that had plants all around, but left a little sky light above. you could feel a soft misty rain fall on your face, which was so delightful with the hot water. while she was walking across it, fee stopped to look up and feel the rain, she paused to long, and therefore fell into the water. you have to keep walking to stay on top of it. it’s ok, tho. because for some reason, we were in bathing suits. now, my grandparents were standing at the edge of the first pool. they knew they couldn’t walk fast enough to stay on top of the water. but some punk kid ran past and pushed my grandma into the pool. some little kid thought he’d save her, and dived in, but in saving her, he was doing a much better job of drowning her, so i dove in and got her. she was unhurt, but wet. so we took her to a beauty parlor and got her hair dried. howie came back and told us he found the car. now, in this dream, howie was often someone else. he was still fee’s husband, but he was some guy i worked with, or someone i used to know, he kept changing. and he was stupid, because when he tried to take us to the car, he couldn’t find it.
that’s when i woke up, thinking my car had been stolen. now please, go ahead and interpret that. and explain the tiny bouncy japanese children to me. [i apologize, as i meant to write this first thing this morning, when there were soooo many delightful details still fresh. but did not have time. now everything has faded and it sounds boring. still.... tiny bouncing japanese children?]