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août 29, 2002

no matter what you've heard... there are no free monkeys.

hi! that's just something lance said at lunch. he said something else i liked, but i can't remember what it was.

so, i've been playing around with the design a bit. just for fun. taking style sheets from other sites and making changes. figuring out how this whole movable type thing works. by the way, regarding the bbs3k, i have still NOT received any help from network solutions. they keep telling me to do the same thing over and over. fill out the same form and fax it. all replies to my inquiries are form e-mails. it's making me mad. stupid e-mail support... it can be way sucky, sometimes. so now i am on the phone. and he keeps calling me miss jodi. they called me miss jodi when i worked at the day care. it's funny. plus he has an indian accent. which makes it cuter. anyway, i followed their instructions to the T, but they must have left some other letters out of the instructions. because what i faxed was not good enough. but they could not actually let me know. the tech says, if i follow the prooper procedure, it should be fixed in up to THREE DAYS!! i'm mostly annoyed at verio, because i registered the domain thru them, and now they act like they've never heard of it. but in actually, i'm blaming everything on my boobies for the next two weeks.

speaking of boobies, the countdown has begun for surgery. B minus 13 days. preporations for the 13th day include.... ummm. getting a massage. yes. i have a massage at 4. it's an integral part of the process. believe me, my boobies will thank me later.

Posted by jodi at août 29, 2002 01:00 PM
