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août 29, 2002
you are about five different kinds of crazy, did you know that?
there is a crazy lady posting on the forums. not the bbs3k... but THESE FORUMS. i would like to do a short skit, illustrating the level of crazy i am talking about. you know that i know what i am talking about here.
ok, this skit stars a hypothetical crazy lady customer and a hypothetical phone technician. and here is a small snippet of a conversation between the two.
tech: in order to import graphic files into the document, you use the file>place command.
clc: THAT'S RIDICULOUS!! when you chose "place" you aren't GOING ANYWHERE!! and everyone KNOWS that a place is somewhere you GO!!
technician then explains the verb form of the word place.
imagine that conversation going on and on and on. for hours and hours and hours. insert sreaming and yelling for good measure. that's the life of phone support. thank god i am off the phones.
still no communication from verisign. sent the 2nd fax. i'll call again tomorrow.
Posted by jodi at août 29, 2002 07:03 PM