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septembre 03, 2002

complaints: i makes 'em, i don't takes 'em.

congratulations, shmecky, on your new nephew!! and, in my opinion, that most certainly does count as an uberbaby. you are such a great aunt, that is one lucky kid.

not my day today. i'm sick. have a bad headache, but am not allowed anything but tylenol at this point. which does NOTHING. got a flat tire at lunch, and now i am going to have to get two new tires. everyone else has the day off. practicially everyone else. i'm tired. i'm disappointed in myself, as well. i didn't get as much done, this weekend, as i wanted to. and, i still haven't figured out how to make the bbs3k work, even though the domain itself is working. i can't get the script to write the posts to the main wwwboard page. i don't know why. and this morning i sort of decided i was fed up with it all. that is most likely because i am not feeling that great. i'm sure i'll tackle it again later and figure it all out. someday. not today, tho.

i'm whiny today. i should just stop writing now, before this gets outta hand.

Posted by jodi at septembre 3, 2002 03:04 PM


It's ok Jodi. I love you. And perl is hard.

Posted by: shmecky at septembre 3, 2002 07:04 PM

ewwwww... flat tires??? that is pooey. i was watching the news last night and there was a car chase where this guy was going 50 miles per hour and he had at least two flat tires. so it can be done, jodes! you don't need new tires at all! =)

sucks that you're ill, though. if it makes you feel any better, i'm in the middle of watching amelie. i'm not sure why my watching a movie should make you feel better, but i suspect it might seeing as it is amelie =)

Posted by: arifa at septembre 3, 2002 08:57 PM