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septembre 04, 2002

this is the mommy breast and this one is the baby breast. and they walk hand in hand, because they are FRIENDS!

bonus points if you know what movie that quote came from. bonuse points aren't really good for anything. you can't trade them in for prizes. they don't get you extra days off with pay, or more stock options, or extra credit. bonus points exist simply to make you feel superior to those around you. and who can put a price on that? you can't. it's priceless.

sorry about the whining. i feel better today. not great, but better. i'm pretty sure that i feel better because shmecky loves me and because fee watched Amelie for me. :) [when describing Amelie to Kam, she said it was me, in a movie, only speaking french. which i consider a huge compliment.] i still have to get two new tires at lunch today, but that is just the way it is. i've learned to accept it in the last 21 hours. i think i've grown from the whole process.

i'm a bad mommy. just ask my kitty. i torture her. on the mornings that i work, during the week, i feed her her breakfast right before i leave. i don't hop out of bed, run to her dish, and feed her. which is how i think that a good mommy would do it. according to pk. [prudence kitty] i do it on my way out, so she doesn't try to run out in the hall with me as i leave. and also, dammit, i'm the alpha kitty!! :) but you should hear the sad sad little mews i get. such pain and torture!!

dr. stevil brought in his external firewire drive with 70GB of mp3's on it, for me to play with today!! isn't that sweet? that made me happy. in case you were wondering, 70gb of mp3s is what is referred to, technically, as a BUTTLOAD of mp3s. the amount of time it must take to just record all the data somewhere, in some fashion that allows you to find what you really have, on that hard drive. it's a beautiful collection. and it's going to take me all day to play with it. maybe more. who knows.

B minus 8 days until the boobie-oscopy. getting a wee bit tweeked about the surgery part. ick. sigh. i'm still excited to get it done. it's just... really really real now. now. 2.5 days of work left this week and only 3 next week. oy. and i'm beginning to wonder if i will get the casita clean enough for pattie's comfort. i need someone to come over while i clean. i get so much more done if someone is over at my house while i clean. they don't have to do anything. just sit there and keep me company and occasionally point out when i am stalling. any volunteers?

Posted by jodi at septembre 4, 2002 10:17 AM
