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septembre 04, 2002

come see the softer side of sears...

i've just spent about the last hour and a half, examining the softer side of sears. an hour and a half and $258. i had to get the two new tires. they tried to talk me into getting all four. but i am too wiley to fall for their smooth salesmen ways.

i've logged back in to tell you two things. first, i want everyone to know that my friend webster is mad and me, and he is ignoring me. for no apparent reason. i think that is very childish, and i am sure you will all agree. [it's important that you agree with me, and not webster. even if you don't know webster. ] i have done nothing to warrent this type of treatment, and i hope he comes to his senses soon.

second, i have to send you to this link, so you can check out prudence kitty's personal vet, my uncle skip. the best part of the article is the quote, Tigers don't necessarily like having a needle stuck in their butt." in the printed version, this was a pull quote - highlighted in all it's glory. everyone in the fam agreed, it was tres skip. i asked my mom why i have memories of skip taking me to visit a bengel tiger when i was a kid. she says because he did take me to see a bengel tiger. not at the zoo. but somewhere else. the tiger was acting in a film. so it was a trained tiger. and i was standing next to it, petting it. i was only about 4 or 5. it was a young tiger. it's big in my memory, but pattie says it was a cub. we've been "backstage" at the big cat house, at woodland park zoo, as well. many years ago. when skip stilled worked for them. now he never takes us anywhere interesting. :)

oh. it was an hour and a half, $258, plus another $16 for the sports bra i bought. pk is spazing out, i think she needs 'ttention.

Posted by jodi at septembre 4, 2002 07:38 PM



Posted by: Webster at septembre 4, 2002 09:29 PM