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septembre 05, 2002

you have no call to get snippy with me; i'm just trying to do my job here.

yes, fee, i am am happy that someone reads my blog! :)

snippy co-worker day. one of those situations where you are in a meeting together, with a guest speaker, and you feel you have to overcompensate for co-workers attitude [which made me flinch, today] by being very very sweet or encouraging. i hate that. i also hate the constant negativity. bogs me down. just put on my earphones and try to keep to myself. or play with the sunny co-workers. who leave early, or work so hard they forget to pay attention to you all day. bah. but, i've been battling the blues for a couple of months now. and my inner sunshine is a vulnerable thing, lately. and when he gets all negative, it can really affect me. lately. i don't need that crap. we are about to implement a plan, tomorrow, that will potentially, almost certainly, be a gigantic pain in our ass. but he doesn't help, when gets bitchy about it. it's hard enough without that.

worst part is, i'm complaining about the same person who made me so happy yesterday, by bringing in 70gb's of mp3's to play with. see how fickle i am? mooooo-DEE!

so i forced the ebil webster to talk to me last night. i didn't spell that wrong. he's ebil. it's slightly less than evil. which is what deb is, and that is why we call her evildeb. anyway, he's not as evil as that. but he's ebil... which is kinda how a little kid would say "evil." webster is little kid evil. yes. not very evil, is it? no. kinda sad really. proof that he's ebil? he sent me this. i don't know, maybe you like the White Stripes. but i think that site is disrespectful of kittens. not that he cares, he sics his dog on kittens and then laughs an ebil laugh as they run away. e-b-i-l. i just wish he were in touch more, with his feelings. so he could admit he was mad at me, and we could work it out. such denial.

i think everyone is liking the new board format. i haven't heard from the board cult leader yet. she thinks because it's her birthday tomorrow, she doesn't have ot pay attention? ha! well, she'll miss all her happy birthday posts, then. :) well, let's go check out her psyche. it's online for all to enjoy!

Posted by jodi at septembre 5, 2002 04:55 PM


oooh - coworker negativity... today, i was the negative coworker. work SUCKED today (which is why i was so quiet). however, i am now talkative despite the fact that i'm supposed to wake up in four hours. go figure.

Posted by: arifa at septembre 7, 2002 12:55 AM