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septembre 06, 2002

If the odds are good, go ahead and take that risk you've been considering.

that, right there, is the fortune cookie i got with my chinese food tonight. is that not the suckiest fortune cookie you've ever seen? there's no fortune in that cookie!! it basically says, "oh, i don't know what do you think? do whatever you want." it's a very wishy washy fortune cookie. brought to you by Panda Express. i should write a letter.

Dear Panda Express,

thank you for putting crack in your orange chicken. i have fallen prey to your plot, and am now addicted. however, your fortune cookies suck. please get a new fortune teller, this one is far too torpid and banal. perhaps your new one could take advantage of merriam webster's word of the day feature such as i have. regardless, i am looking forward to a more fatidical cookie in the future.



ps: seriously tho... thanks for the dr pepper. you are doing the lord's work in serving it. bless you.

Posted by jodi at septembre 6, 2002 10:59 PM
