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septembre 07, 2002

I think breast brains would be over-egging the woman pudding. Besides, you give breasts the power of independent thought and the next thing that happens they don't get on.

i never saw the movie "coupling" but that quote above is from it. i just thought, based on what i was about to say, i would check to see if there were any good quotes about pudding ... from movies i saw. and i saw this one. since it talks aobut breasts [a current obsession of mine. MY breasts, that is.] and pudding. i had to use it. there was also a great quote from the simpsons. but i don't watch the simpsons. i get a lot of flak about that. apparently i occaisionally quote homer. even tho i insist i am not, since i thought up what to say all by myself. so, to quote homer now, would be rather hypocritcal of me. don't you think? it was a great quote. let me know if you want to see it anyway.

so, yes, a brief moment to express some gratitude to my friend fee. i'd like to say, "thanks for the puddin'" the reason why? i just had a snack cup size of kozy shack rice pudding. some of the best stuff on earth. before arifa, i knew nothing about kozy shack. back in the day, the early uberbrain days. when most of us had not met face to face, and we spent hours on aim and icq.... arifa told me about kozy shack pudding. and it sounded good...but was i ready to introduce a new brand of pudding in my life? i wasn't sure. then, came the first ubergathering. the infamous bronco party where i first met some of them face to face. including fee. she picked me up at the airport, with debachu and tammy. i stayed with fee! first time i met her, face to face. she could have killed me in my sleep!! she could have sic'd the then baby nebbish on my face, and let him chew it off. but instead she took me to the grocery store and we bought pudding. and i became a convert. a kozy shack fan. and so, as i was just enjoying a snacky cup size rice pudding, i thought i'd better thank her for that. :) prudence would like to thank her too, as she is enjoying the empty snacky cup.

i was want to give a shout-out to my friend lonniemoon. over summer quarter, which is shorter than your average quarter, he took an intensive german language class that gets you through 101, 102, and 103, all in one quarter. i know he felt like it was treten seines esels [according to babblefish, that is Kicking His Ass in german.] but in the end, he kicked that deutsch class's prussian ASS!! ended up with a drei point something. YEAH!! and so, to the intenstive german language class at the university of washington, we say fuck off, mate! we don't want any of your deutschy-markies here!! we are DONE with foreign language requirements, and we are moving on. well, lonnie is. personally, i'm getting back into speaking french. thinking of taking a class. n'est-elle pas qu'une idée de génie?

Posted by jodi at septembre 7, 2002 08:42 AM


hey - i TRIED to get baby nebs to attack you but he was more interested in your slippers.

Posted by: arifa at septembre 11, 2002 01:37 PM