« I think breast brains would be over-egging the woman pudding. Besides, you give breasts the power of independent thought and the next thing that happens they don't get on. | Main | it's almost time... »

septembre 09, 2002

damn you panda express!!

that's right. i'm eating crack chicken for dinner again. look, i had to go to the mall anyway, to pick something up. it's there, it's easy, i don't have to cook anything and it comes with it's own utensils. how can i resist?

well, i have two more days left, until b-day. and i admit it, i'm getting a little freaked out. not overly so. i still believe this will be a piece of cake. i believe that i will NOT experience any nausea after the surgery. but man... i just don't like the idea of staying overnight at the hospital. overlake called me twice today. once to preregister me, and the other for a health history. that means it's real. they are really going to cut me.

evildeb is going to take care of the pru. she's going to take her home thursday after work. while i am at the hospital and unable to care. and she will bring her back saturday. but that means i will be without my snuggle kitten friday night. and i HATE that idea. but it's probably for the best. i probably won't even feel like dealing with a playful kitten my first night home. since the first two days are supposed to be the worst. but man... take away my kitty? that's hard core, dude. i'll miss her something awful.

at this point, i have nothing really interesting to say. i just got home from work. i'm going to go clean the kitchen now. which i will hate doing. and it's at that point when i will have all the interesting things to say, i bet!!

Posted by jodi at septembre 9, 2002 06:03 PM


i can't believe b-day is almost here!!! that is just craziness... yay for you, though =) do you have to be on a special diet while in the hospital? or will you be able to have someone bring you dr. pepper from the cafeteria?

Posted by: arifa at septembre 9, 2002 11:24 PM