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septembre 11, 2002

my body is protesting...

it wants no more to do with this picking up and cleaning crap. its DONE. i can tell, because my whole right arm has decided to come down with the 24 hour arthritis. i swear, i do not know what's wrong with it, but it hurts. especially my hand. throbby. ouch.

i was a horrible employee this week. normally, when i am about to go on vacation, it's hard to pay attention. but i want to leave things tied up. and not pass off anything to anyone. this week, and part of last, i could not have cared less. bad bad bad employee. but oh well. yesterday, steve, tony and i had "lunch" at the metro cinemas. where we saw "goldmember." i had not seen it. it was perfect for two hours of hooky. lots of laughing. nothing serious. plus they had dr pepper. i got a large, which meant that i got free refills on my way out, back to work. wheeeee!

pattie, mi madre, is picking me up at 7 am tomorrow morning. we have to be at the hospital at 7:30. i'm not happy about the whole no shower thing. it's the hair. it won't be pretty. but pattie worked it out, she's going to french braid it into two braids, while wet, tomorrow morning. see how smart moms are? wicked smart.

i'm going to upload another picture of the pru, and this time i will try to get the thumbnail right. this pict goes out to aaiysha, who says my cat belongs in "cat fancy" magazine. many sand papery smooches to you, mother of zain, from the pru. an 8x10 signed glossy is on it's way to you.


much more of a thumbnail sized thumbnail, wouldn't you say?

i was talking to my massage therapist, summer, today... all about eddie izzard. i have her all primed and ready. when i go back, in a few weeks. i'll take her a tape of the HBO special. and then there will be another convert. i'm just a missionary for the good. got to get everyone to get a reading from dr. wanless, forever loyal to the apple macintosh, adobe software, and dr. pepper, have to promote the awsome pet qualities of the bunny... and now, i have to get people to love eddie izzard. it's just part of an every evolving mission in my life. new things to added as necessary.

Posted by jodi at septembre 11, 2002 09:25 PM


CONGRATULATIONS! it's the big day. it's time like this that i wish i were in seattle (well, and when i find a bug in my house). that way i could bring you yummy foods and company and pop in eddie izzard videos for you. wait a tick! there's no way i could bring you yummy foods... you don't recognize anything i eat as edible... all those veggies. geesh - what was i thinking/!?!?

MUCH LOVE TO YOU! it'll go wonderfully, i'm sure! and just think - percoset is in your near future ;)

Posted by: arifa at septembre 12, 2002 06:21 AM