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octobre 09, 2002

let's get these boobies started... part two

you know what, i'm officially tired of discussing my breasts. so let's just wrap this up short form, ok?
- first 3 days were the worst
- pain was totally managable.
- breasts are swollen and engorged for about a week and a half to two.
- still have nipple sensation. currently hyper sensation.
- it's hard not using my arms.
- i never felt nauseous.

the single most suprising thing about the whole procedure was the amount of energy it took from me. i figured that if i felt good, i would feel like doing stuff, and going places. not so. it wiped me out and it took a couple of weeks+ to really get back to normal. lots of sleeping. lots.

there. that should do it. i'm happy to talk about it, if you have any questions, let me know. i'll tell you all you want to know. it's just not the formost thing on my mind. i just had my month check up. in two weeks i get to wear normal bras and use my arms again. and everything will be as it was. only smaller and perkier. with much much much cuter nipples.

Posted by jodi at octobre 9, 2002 02:40 PM
