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octobre 14, 2002

baby elephant walk

i went to the zoo this weekend, with evildeb and baby maggie. and i think i may not be the best person for zoos. or maybe it's just my mood. but they make me kinda sad. the bunnies in the "family farm" made me downright mad. they just had bunnies in a hutch. and one of them was a grey mini rex, looked a lot like the B. but i don't understand why the chickens deserve a place to romp and play and be free range, when the bunnies don't. they just have to sit there, in boxes. for the rest of their lives. i may start a campaign to build a new "rabbit habitat."

most of the animals were hiding, as is typical whenever i am there. we weren't there very long, and come to think of it, i saw absolutely zero big cats. and they are my favorite. but i did see the baby elephant, hansa. i have to say, we have a kick ass "elephant habitat," at our zoo. apparently we love the elephants. just not the bunnies.

but the most shocking events of the weekend had nothing to do with the zoo. i did the weirdest thing. no, i did not go out saturday night. get real. i'm still me. i cleaned. happily, and with malicious intent to accomplish something. i reorganized the desk. which isn't really cleaning, i like doing that. but vacuumed the house, i cleaned up and organized the cd's. i took books to the Half Price Books to sell, i did 4 loads of laundry... it kept going on like this. throughout the weekend. it was pretty scary. i think it freaked pru out.

you'd think with that kind of productivity, over the weekend, i'd start monday with a happy and enthusiastic heart. but i'm in a poopy mood. however, at the same time, i've already accomplished the few things i had on my checklist. i only put a few things, because since i've come back from my time off, i have not been working at my full potential. i've been getting about half as much as normal done. maybe i'm back up to my normal speed? i don't know. i'm still not in a good mood.

Posted by jodi at octobre 14, 2002 10:08 AM


dag nabbit - i'm sick of bunnies being under appreciated. =( nebs gave me a scare tonight. he's still not in perfect health, but he'll be fine. he has had really small poos lately (sorry to all non-bunny folk who aren't used to discussing poo at least four times a day). anyway, he wouldn't eat or anything - he was just pouting. howie caught him while i was in class and didn't know anything about it and gave him simethicone and when i got home i caught him again and gave him water. it seemed ot do the trick and he is now eating hay like the little piggy he is. whew. anyway, enough about that... bunnies deserve better!!! baby elephants do rule, though. i LOOOOOVE baby elephants. i also love the name hansa. i know a girl named hansa, actually.

Posted by: arifa at octobre 14, 2002 11:36 PM