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octobre 14, 2002

the most important thing i learned this week

there is something i forgot, earlier. a new feature to the blog called "the most important thing i learned this week." which i meant to do on sunday. now remember, not every teacher is Buddha, not every lesson is the path to enlightenment, and not every story has a moral. sometimes, some weeks, all you can handle are the simple lessons. the little things. you know? i'm not depak chopra, here. so don't put that kind of pressure on me. i can't handle it man!

as is evidence by this week's lesson. but if you have ever read "the mezzanine" by nicholson baker, you will know how happy this little lesson made me. this lesson falls under the category of "helpful hints." i like drinking with straws. maybe i'm orally fixated, i don't know. however, i also sometimes drink soda from a can. you can't use a straw with soda pop in a can, cuz it floats up and out of the can. unless you refrain from the 2nd half of the opening procedure, when flipping the little ring on the can of soda pop. leave the ring over the opening usually reserved for your mouth, do not push it back out of the way, and stick the straw through the hole of the ring! it stays put! genius! got that from my coworker molly. and if she had been at work today, i would have thanked her.

Posted by jodi at octobre 14, 2002 08:34 PM
