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octobre 21, 2002

love pantry

so my birthday was fine. except i am getting sick. started on my actual birthday. but i survived. i wasn't terribly excited about this birthday. maybe i am having a problem turning 35, i don't know. i have not had a problem with any other age, so this would be a first for me. and, yes, my stepdad did forget my birthday again this year. however this time i decided to tell him he forgot, instead of just let it go.

last week was so boring, i am really trying hard to find something to come up with for the Most Important Thing i Learned. and the only one i can come up with is really really lame. but maybe that was just the way it was last week. lame. i learned that putting fresh lemon rind in your apple pie recipe is really really really good. that's it. i had pie at bookclub yesterday, it was excellent apple pie. and she put lemon it in. that is one sucky week, in terms of expanding one's horizons. i'll try to better this week.

i've decided that i am 73% certain i should get a part time job. i am too stressed about money and i think doing something about it would make me feel better than just sitting around worrying about it would. it's not like i want to give up my free time to another job, i'm intrinsically a very lazy person. but i'm not exactly living a go-go new millennium lifestyle right now. since i've become an introvert. i think it might actually be good for me.

i have, of course, come up with some qualifiers. i will only take a job that is non-stressful. i would prefer it either be dealing with something that interests me, something so different that i learn something, or something that has some kind of life experience value. for instance, there is a listing in the paper for a part time job at the Love Pantry, about a mile and a half from my house. now, this is a pretty tame sex shop. no magazines. mostly lingerie and toys. stupid bachlorette party favors, fetish clothing, naughty gifts. stuff like that. but working in a sex shop, now that has life experience value. i would find it amusing, it would be different, and i wouldn't mind having that to add to my list of "things i've done." maybe i could incorporate it into my best selling novel that's going to eventually lead me out of these financial woes. plus, it's not in the mall. i'm not sure i could work at the mall. that might be too depressing. i wonder if i would get a discount? everyone would get vibrators for christmas!

Posted by jodi at octobre 21, 2002 11:58 AM
