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octobre 31, 2002

nothing says lovin' like something from the oven

happy halloween!

here at work, all the managers in my dept. had treats for us today, so we could go trick or treating. my favorite one is pam, because she had homemade sugar cookies with frosting. mmmmm....cookies. later on, we are having a party. it's very much like being in grade school again. i've not been here at halloween, since i started working here. usually i'm on vacation, it seems. in southern california. some people are in costumes, i am not. i am wearing a halo, since my teammate molly is wearing devil horns.

since there is so much candy about, it's like grade school in another way as well. it's impossible to concentrate on work when you know you have a halloween party in a couple of hours. remember that feeling? we have a pumpkin carving contest as well. my team did a hello kitty pumpkin. on one side, she's good and has a halo and looks normal. on the other side, she is evil and have horns and a scar. we are lighting her up with a bike light, only we are using a flashing red one for the scar. tin foil will isolate the red flashing light to just the scar, so it's a THROBBING scar. pretty clever. not my idea.

here is a little halloween cartoon for you. it's been going around work, so of course it's computerish in nature.


Posted by jodi at octobre 31, 2002 12:07 PM
