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novembre 05, 2002

friends in low places

i have famous friends. well, not really. but kam is on the south park web site. which is pretty cool. and so many many people could see her picture there and she could become famous. and we are friends. and then, ipso facto... i have a famous friend.

a coworker of mine is going to europe soon. in a couple of days, actually. i told him to bring me back a sugar daddy. so far, the requirements are that he be 5'8" or taller and have eyes. i'm open-minded. i told him no smelly italians, but i only said that because he's italian. so it was yet another opportunity to make fun of tony.

this was sent out to the mr snotty mail list today. at first it made me laugh...but then it started to upset me, because the baby looked so upset. now it creeps me out. and so... i share it with you. :) frankly, i much prefered this because it has kittens. and kittens RULE.

Posted by jodi at novembre 5, 2002 04:27 PM


Speaking of kittens...


That is my new one!

Posted by: Becky at novembre 6, 2002 03:27 AM


hey jodes... dead scary sent out the opera baby thing last week. weird how we all get the same stuff in email. anyway, i think it is just wrong wrong wrong... scary, if you ask me. ick.

i like the kitties, though.

Posted by: arifa at novembre 6, 2002 04:04 PM