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novembre 07, 2002

bright light!! bright light!!

so, the wondrous kam has agreed to go down to the virgin megasuperuber store, in west hollywood, on nov. 26th to see eddie izzard for me. bless her heart. she has not yet watched dress to kill, so at this point, she's agreeing out of the kindness of that very heart. [she's going to watch it this weekend, then she'll want to go for herself!] i don't know what it is i want her to do when she does go down there. get something signed? take a picture? ask him to marry me? i don't know. i guess if i can't go to the dvd signing, someone i know has to go for me. that's the next best thing. so hooray for kam. now go visit her website.

so you maybe wondering how my trip to the porn store went. well, mr. moon and i did not get a chance to go until last night. after disappointing returns on the items sold to half price books, i'm even more eager to get that second job. mr. moon was trying, fervently , to get me to pick up an application. but i had to see how it felt, once i was inside, before i agreed to that. the nanosecond i walked in, i knew i couldn't work there. i just started laughing. it's a very nice place, but the pictures on the tape boxes and the titles were just killing me. women, fondling male members to their cheeks, with secretions of said member running down their faces. i'm sorry, but if some guy walked up to rent "down the hatch" i'd just start laughing. and we saw no women working there either. so no, it's a no go. so said. i think i'd be more comfortable around toys, at say love pantry or toys in babe land than i would be around the videos and magazines. cuz see, vibrators... i understand that.

Posted by jodi at novembre 7, 2002 05:01 PM
