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novembre 11, 2002

how could i fail women's studies? i love bitches!

i don't want to be a trader to my gender, but n.o.w. does not necessarily represent me. i know they do some good work. but, they need to change their name to n.o.s.w. the national organization of some women. or the national organization of some women, part of the time, when we don't act like idiots and release our tv ratings report. what's that... the n.o.s.w.,p.o.t.t.,w.w.d.a.k.i.a.r.o.t.r.r. go ahead and try to make a catchy acronym out of that. so they will probably stick with n.o.w.

if you don't know what i am talking about, the national organization of women released their Watch Out, Listen up!! 2002 Feminist Primetime Report. it's a big old pdf of their opinions on tv. i hate it when people tell me what i am supposed to like or not like, support or not support. because i am a women. now i ask, honestly, how can i respect a primetime report that gives dawson's fucking creek a b minus, but buffy the vampire slayer a c minus. i imagine it's the violence that hurt buffy. but when you know why joss whedon wanted to create buffy, it's kind of funny. he created the character because he was tired of the little blond girl, in scary movies, who always walked down the alley alone and got killed. or had sex and got killed. just once, he wanted the little blond girl to kick the bad thing's ass.

but, by all means, give dawson's creek a higher rating. because who doesn't love a show about beautiful, privileged teenagers, who swap partners constantly, and have totally unrealistic and surprisingly adult relationships, while still in high school. did i mention they were all unbelievably good looking? where is the value in that show? in what capacity does it set a good example for teen age girls? granted, i've had limited exposure to it. but please! give me a fucking break. it's a walking advertisement for eating disorders.

this report is a joke. some of the shows that got a's, are totally crap shows. but that wasn't part of the scoring process. quality of shows. you definitely got bonus points for lesbians. in fact, on their list of characters they wanted to see more of, they listed willow, the lesbian wiccan from buffy the vampire slayer. good choice, she's an awesome powerful character. of course, last year she went evil, beat up her friends, flayed that warren guy, and almost destroyed the entire world. but hey, warren did deserve it, he killed her lesbian lover, and his own ex girlfriend.

Posted by jodi at novembre 11, 2002 09:24 PM



Posted by: arifa at novembre 13, 2002 02:28 PM