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novembre 18, 2002

i wear the cheese, it does not wear me

so, are you wondering how my luck is going, now that i have nekkid middle fingers? let me tell you.

a: the job at love pantry is not going to work out. they are hiring part time for days, during the week. plus, the lady was mean. maybe she was having a bad day, but she didn't sound very nice. my application to the bon marche has yielded no results, as of yet. so i am still part time jobless.

b: i got a speeding ticket this weekend. there are two ways to look at this. it was very unfortunate to receive a speeding ticket. i have not received one in many many years. it could be coincidental that i should receive a speeding ticket after removing the ring from my middle finger. however, the cop was very very nice and very cute. he did not give me a ticket for a lack of proof of insurance in my car. which is a $480 ticket. he also knocked the ticket down to the cheapest ticket he could give me. he could have just let me off with a warning, however. so... glass could be either half full or half empty, i don't know.

does anyone find it ironic that i spent a great deal of time working on a xmas present for ron's girlfriend's daughter this weekend, when i have not yet received my xmas present from him from last year? ron and his girlfriend bought my ibook for the daughter. i've never met her. but he had me take it out for upgrades and such. they told the daughter, and i guess she called him every day asking when she could have it. so he'd call me. it's just kind of funny that i should be working on this, when i haven't received my bookshelves. which ron was supposed to build for me. not funny ha-ha, but funny hey-wait-a-minute, this-isn't-funny-at-all! oh well. i gots some moneys. i'm not complaining about that. i just wish i had those bookshelves as well. as he left yesterday, ron asked me what i wanted for xmas. now that is funny!

last night, the kitten declared war on my hands. it looks like i've been playing with barbed wire! evil kitten. i think i am going to have all her claws and teeth removed. all of them. she'll just eat really soft food. really really soft. [can you imagine how weird a toothless cat would look? ] awwww... poor toofless prudence.

Posted by jodi at novembre 18, 2002 10:44 AM



Posted by: Kay Awss at janvier 3, 2004 10:41 PM