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novembre 20, 2002

i have spirit, yes i do, i have spirit, how 'bout you?

i hate spammers. someone has hacked into the filmthreat.com yahoo group and now everyone is getting all of these emails. some offensive to those who do not want an invitation to suck cock. some just erroneous about the filmthreat web site and chris gore. these people make me angry. and i want to hurt them. i make a horrible pacifist. but they are just fucking insane and annoying!!! and there should be dire, and painful, consequences for being so.

i would just like to point out, to my little brother josh, that i comment on HIS live journal. he's not commented on my blog. i bet he doesn't even read it. here is his chance to prove otherwise.

i'm listening to christmas music. i have to. i am forcing myself into the christmas spirit. i am going to have more christmas spirit than i have had in years... since 1999, for sure. i'm doing it for my mommy. and my auntie vickie and uncle skip. this is our first christmas without moür moür, and i'll be damned if i am going to let my lack of christmas spirit contribute additional sadness to the occasion. my mommy just lost her mommy. she needs me to be cheery, god dammit. and i'm going to do it. i used to love love love christmas. and that jolly christmas angel is in me somewhere. i need to put up lights, that's what i need to do. and get my santa collection out. well, i suppose it would all look better if i actually cleaned the apartment. i've let it get really messy. bad jodi.

did you see that thing about michael jackson's nose? it's collapsing. the outlook is "grim." he's downright scary looking now. i hope his nose collapses entirely, and actually concaves into his face. like a bellybutton or something. an innie of course.

Posted by jodi at novembre 20, 2002 04:35 PM


Fine I'm commenting, and I do too read this. Ugh. I just emailed you about my fruity muffins of animal free deliciousness. Yum. I'm kinda homesick. I never realized that mour mour's name was spelled with umlauts. That's tuff.

Posted by: J to the O to the S to the H at novembre 21, 2002 01:10 PM