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novembre 21, 2002

una bella luna

last night, when i was driving home from work, there was this beautiful harvest moon, across the lake and over my neighborhood. it was gorgeous and HUGE. plus there were clouds drifting in front of it, to make it look even more exotic. when i got to my neighborhood, just minutes later, it was smaller and whiter. how'd it do that? in just minutes. the moon rules, it's always doing sneaky stuff like that. i dig that crazy moon.

speaking of moons, i have not heard from the moons in a while. i wonder what they are up to. probably studying.

ok, special shout out to shmecky and josh. josh because he does read my blog, and commented upon it. and shmecky because she's always read it, and commented on it. she loves me. don't believe me? check out her comments. fee reads it as well. and she comments. so a special should to all three of them. wheeeeeee!! [i'm shouting "wheeee!" right now as i write. too bad i'm work while i'm doing it.]

hey, didn't every mall in america used to have a Hot Dog on a Stick stand? they are hard to find now. my mall doesn't have one. in fact, i only know of one in the greater seattle/king county area. it's at westlake mall. downtown seattle. we went there at lunch today and i got a hot dog on a stick and it was GREAT! and it was on a stick.

evildeb asked me today if i thought that the whole "no ring on the middle finger" experiment was working. i said i notice absolutely no difference at this point. but i am not giving up yet... going to give the study a bit more time. but really, things were supposed to "fall into place" within a couple of weeks. or at least start to. ok. i've only been doing it for 7 days. it's got another week to fall into place. everything, that is.

Posted by jodi at novembre 21, 2002 02:09 PM
