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novembre 22, 2002

the word of the day, for oct. 26th, is dedicated to josh and lonnie

i'm a little behind on the word of the day.

kakistocracy • \kak-uh-STAH-kruh-see\ • (noun)
: government by the worst people

i've never heard this word. but i imagine that josh and mr. moon have. my little punk buddies. i'm not sure josh knows that i am planning to replace our older brother with mr. lj moon. who is, in fact, not older than i, but he is bigger. so i can still refer to him as my big brother. i am having some trouble with my mom agreeing to disown the current big brother. but i am sure that i will not have any trouble with josh's mom. however, since she's the stepmom of the current big brother, it's up to mijn moeder, pattie. mrs. moon has already agreed to drop mr. moon's family in favor of mine.

i've been looking at some blogs online, recently. i've noticed that some make daily postings with links to things, like news articles or such, and then comment on them. i don't do that. maybe i am blogging incorrectly? it's just... i hate it when people send me links without explaining what they are. emails with subject titles like "Oh my god!" and then a link pasted in the body of the email. that's it. i mostly hate these emails at work. i get hundreds of emails at work. i don't have time for that kind of crap, or to follow every link. or maybe i'm already on a website reading something of my own choosing. but the absolute worst is when i get that email, and then the sender comes over to my desk and stands over me to watch my reaction. drives me nuts. it only takes a second to indicate, within the body of the email, why this link might be of such interest to me. "you would not believe how cheap these shoes are!!" something like that.

you know, you should never admit what annoys you. now i'm going to get lots of unexplained links in the mail. phooey.

Posted by jodi at novembre 22, 2002 10:04 AM
