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décembre 11, 2002

If you start out depressed everything's kind of a pleasant surprise.

i've been pretty quiet, i know. and here is why:

Definition of depression. to be considered clinically depressed, you need to be feeling at least five of the following symptoms for about two weeks. that's a lose guide.

- Persistent feelings of sadness, irritability or anxiety
- Overreaction to irritations
- Loss of interest in activities previously enjoyed, including sex
- Sleep too much, or sleep too little
- Unexpected loss or gain of weight
- Tiredness or restlessness
- Slowed movement, thought and/or speech
- Guilt, low self-esteem, feelings of worthlessness
- Inability to concentrate and poor memory
- Loss of motivation
- Feelings of hopelessness
- Suicidal thoughts and/or behavior
- Withdrawal from relationships, anti-social behavior
- Physical aches and pains that seem to have no other cause

and i've been experiencing 8 of them, for more than two weeks. actually, since about july. adjusted some meds, and at first, i thought it might work. but it was temporary. i was probably just feeling better because i was doing something about it. that didn't last. once i did not get a temporary xmas job IMMEDIATELY my spirits fell directly to the floor.

so poor little depressed jodi... what's she going to do? increase her meds and she her shrink, that's what. don't worry... it's just been especially bad the last few weeks. i'll be ok.

title is a quote from "say anything" which is one of the best movies of all time as we all know.

here is a little xmas picture of me at about 3 to cheer you up, after all my depression talk. don't i look EVIL? i do. bet i made the naughty list that year.

and maybe we need a picture of eddie izzard. because who can be uncheered when thinking of eddie izzard?

look! he's a bunny!

Posted by jodi at décembre 11, 2002 06:44 PM


I bet you did make the naughty list that year!!

Seeing shrink is best idea. Although I am usually happier on days I go to see him, I guess because like you said, I am doing something about it.

On a side note, one of the more upsetting times that Kirk broke up with me, I took some extra Zoloft to calm myself down so that I could go to work and once it kicked in, I think I was high.

Posted by: becky at décembre 12, 2002 05:07 AM

HA! i would love to see becky high!!!

jodes, you know i love you and wish i could do something for you. if you think of anything, let me know and i'll be glad to help!

long live meds!
long live woxy!
long live dr. pepper!
long live buffy and angel!

Posted by: arifa at décembre 12, 2002 09:24 AM

you could do something for me, fee.... you could win a gajillion dollars in some lottery. and then support shmecky and i in a manner to which we've always wanted to become acustomed.

seeing becky high would be fun, but seeing you, arifa, high would be just as fun. the two of you together, high, wouldn't probably be more silliness than i could stand and i, too, would have to be high just to handle it.

Posted by: jodi at décembre 12, 2002 11:18 PM

i bet if you got becky and me together and we just sat around and talked for long enough, we'd start ACTING high (or at least we would probably seem high to people). we could sit around and tlak about stupid stuff and just giggle at it and you could pretend we had just hit the vaporizer =)

Posted by: arifa at décembre 13, 2002 10:40 AM

Yeah, I think if the three of us had been hanging out for a while and then went out in public, everyone would think we were drunk/high/etc.

Posted by: becky at décembre 14, 2002 06:10 AM