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décembre 16, 2002

And, isn't sanity really just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking, but when you're good and crazy, oooh, oooh, oooh, the sky is the limit!

the old animated tick series is the best source for quotes ever.

i doubt i'm going crazy, but i am pretty damn screwed up in the mood department right now. if i do have a crazy breakdown, i will try to post to the blog before they lock me up, ok? maybe i'll have internet access in the asylum.

thank god i see my shrink on weds. and double thank god i have a holiday break coming up. if i can make it through friday, at least i won't have to come to work until the 2nd of jan. so i can be good an crazy for about 12 full days.

saturday i went downtown with the evil family, to have dinner and xmas shop. trouble is, we got a late start and barely had any time to shop before things were closing. but that's ok. because the minute i got there i knew it was a mistake for me to be there. i just started stressing out about chirstmas presents. and i was annoyed by all the people. and i dressed too warmly. and i wanted to be home. i tried my best to keep most of that whining too myself. i didn't see many xmas lights, or decorations. i did see some. i drove, so i couldn't have cocktails. having cocktails and then shopping downtown is awesome. you should always drink alcohol when you are xmas shopping, as long as you are of legal age and aren't driving. it makes everything so much more fun. i'm not talking drunk. just a little buzz. [[pattie would not like hearing me say that! oy!]]

i'm sorry i am so down right now. i'm sure that my updates are depressing. i don't really know what to say. i don't want to pour the darkest dregs of my soul out into this blog, because no one needs that. but it's hard to not acknowledge that my depression is as bad as it's been in about 5 years. i'm trying to do something about it, tho. hopefully it will improve.

want to see my all time favorite picture of myself? it's from christmas morning, i think 1970 or so... i'm about 3. the night before, "santa" had come to our house in person, he gave me the yellow teddy bear shown in the picture. which i named teeny bear, and i still have him today and occaisionally sleep with him. anyway, i think this pictures sums up a great deal about my personality, even today.

Posted by jodi at décembre 16, 2002 12:48 PM
