« And, isn't sanity really just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking, but when you're good and crazy, oooh, oooh, oooh, the sky is the limit! | Main | think different. »

janvier 07, 2003

Why can't you be in a good mood? How hard is it to decide to be in a good mood and be in a good mood once in a while?

long time no see. i know. i've been exhibiting several self destructive behaviors over the past few weeks. i pretty much slept from dec. 26th - 30th. it's all a blur. that's so counter productive when you are battling depression. but, it's what i've been wanting to do, so i thought.... why not give in!! maybe you'll get it out of your system. not likely.

besides sleeping, i have been hooked into a book series... a trashy vampire hunter book series! these evil books sucked all my attention away from everything! just because i picked up the latest one in an airport bookstore over thanksgiving weekend.

-- speaking of airports, did you hear about the airport security guard, here in seattle, who fell asleep on the job. when they found out, they had to re-scan everyone in that concourse. people were not pleased. oh he lost his job, alright.

anyway... smutty vampire books. yes. the Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Series by Laurell K. Hamilton. they are like heroin, i'm telling you. [note: i have no idea what heroin is like, but it looks like a pretty intense addiction.] i guess i just decided that a world that included sexy vampire jean claude was better than my world. so i dove right into them and didn't stop until i was done with all of 'em. and now i eagerly await the new release this spring. more jean claude more jean claude more jean claude. [and tell richard to quit whining. sheesh. a whining werewolf.]

after i finished that series, i jumped into the mystery section of my barnes and noble and immersed myself in the stephanie plum series by janet evanovich.. i have no idea what led me to them. but i loved them. they are very funny, and i really identify with stephanie. i've not blown up as many cars, however. but she's very real and flawed and funny. finished those... waiting for the new release.

i've spent so much money at barnes and noble lately!! bad jodi. i was going through a book a day. i've decided that i now need to read a very looooong book. to keep me occupied for a few days. i've had imajica on my shelf forever, but never got through more than the first few chapters. maybe i should re-devote myself to that?

i'll be back later. i have to write my opinion of the movie XXX, which i saw on new year's eve. kam likes it... i don't think she's going to be happy with me. :) maybe she'll forgive me... since i am going to go read some clive barker....

Posted by jodi at janvier 7, 2003 06:59 PM


Some fantastic books that will take you a while to read:

Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace
(really funny, really huge... sweet and charming and bizarre... it has over 300 endnotes, which actually contain half the plot. use two bookmarks and it's easy)

Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon
(also funny... very *dense* as in more bizarrre wtf moments per page than just about any book I've ever read... amazing feats of writing... been called the Moby Dick of the 2nd half of the 20th century. not for the faint of heart)

The Sandman by Neil Gaiman (sp?)
(graphic novel in many installments. considered a masterpiece by many, even those in the non-graphic 'literary' world)

Posted by: Tom at janvier 13, 2003 07:54 AM