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janvier 14, 2003

i'm a comment whore!

wheeee! tom commented on my blog! isn't that wonderful? the slightest bit of attention is all i need to gush. wow...that's needy.

tom, two of three books you suggested are on my bookshelf, but unread. gravity's rainbow and infinite jest. i started infinite jest at one point, but obviously got distracted. however, right now i need lighter fair. i want escapist fun. i don't want to have to think too much. or look anything up in the dictionary. :) what i realized, after looking at imajica and thinking it wasn't the right time for it, is i have all five novels of douglas adams in one book. i've only read the first and that was a very very long time ago. so i might read those. funny would be good right now.

speaking of my smutty vampire novels, lisa is on book two. and lance is in the middle of book one. i'm so happy because now i can talk about them with someone. sexy jean claude. well, i'm not going to talk about sexy john claude with lance. and mary has started the stephanie plum novels. i love to share.

and fee reminded me of something, my great middle finger experiment!! [[see entry titled the most important email ever!]] after weeks of wearing my rings on any finger but the middle finger, noticed no decrease in fatigue, doubt, general malaise or depression. so i moved my rings back a few weeks ago. now i realize that i've been posting a great deal about the depression, but it's been going on for a while. so the rings had nothing to do with. so therefore i'd like to encourage you, my internet friends, to feel free to wear whatever you want on that middle finger, don't be afraid, raise that middle finger and show everyone what you think of email urban myths and that interfere with your ability to accessorize!!

having dinner with my dad tonight. taking him out for his birthday. his girlfriend, whom i do not know - and don't really want to, called me on monday and left me a voice mail inviting me to dinner on wednesday as a surprise for ron [aka: my dad]. last weds. she said he would be really "pleased" to see me. however, i have a commitment to baby sit my sweet pea every monday and weds for the next few weeks.
cute!! so i sadly left a voice mail indicating i could not attend. so as a joke, a way to tease me, ron told me i ruined the dinner by not showing up, it was my fault. making me defensive. see, that's where the humor comes in. making me defensive. isn't that funny? when really, if she had called earlier, she would have got me before i agreed to the babysitting. this kind of interaction makes me tired. it's not funny to me. i don't like being put on the defensive all the time. but he thinks it's teasing. if he does it tonight, i'm going to stare at him... silent. this is hard to do on the phone. the staring part. subconsciously i bet he thinks that i said that i had to babysit because i didn't want to come. and he's right, i didn't want to go to her house. but the babysitting was just a fortunate coincidence. i don't really want to get to know her. i lack the motivation. i don't expect to find it soon. this is the woman that ron went away with, to the cabin on the san juan islands, where my mom caught him and asked him to move out. she is not the reason they divorced. it's not her fault they divorced. they started having problems long before that. but why would i want to meet her if i don't have to? i'm just not going to try very hard to do it, get to know her. he's going to have to facilitate it. which will be hard for him because he KNOWS i don't want to, and he doesn't like emotional confrontation. i'm glad he has someone, and he's happy. but i'm not the one who is going to do the work on this one. sorry, lonnie.

on a less annoying note: i'm drinking a iced chai latte and listening to woxy, so all is good at the moment.

Posted by jodi at janvier 14, 2003 02:02 PM
