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janvier 17, 2003

please hold, your money is important to us.

in case i wasn't clear, yippee-skippy-potato-chippy, the entry, was begun thursday afternoon about this time. i had to start a new entry for friday. otherwise the days experiences and feelings will get all over each other.

i'm on hold with bank of america, trying to pay my car payment. which is very very late. i think it's funny that i am on hold when they've been calling me over and over and over again at home. but i don't answer. i figure, why answer if you don't know what to tell them. but now i want to pay some money... and i am holding. oops! no i'm not. it was hurting my neck. screw them. i'll try again when i get home.

it takes 14 days for the library to mail you your card. i think this is why the library annoys me. i want instant gratification. as it is, i will probably have to request the books and ask that they be held and who knows how long it could be to get a book. it could take FOREVER!! and that is a very very long time.

sleepy again. maybe i'll try that curling up in the chair thing again. it's that 2:30-3:30 crash.

Posted by jodi at janvier 17, 2003 02:54 PM
