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janvier 29, 2003

my cpanel license has expired

whatever the fuck that means. but that error is keeping me from accessing my email. i hate that. i feel cut off from the entire world. even though i am surrounded by my entire team, and there are 450 employees in this building. that's not the point!!

it's ok... i can still get work email. all is not lost.

so, did i tell you i saw the plastic surgeon recently? for a boobie follow-up. they are doing splendidly, thank you for asking. healing nicely, shaped nice, even. they took some "after" shots with the digital camera. for clarification, these pictures are of my torso only, and i am topless. facing front, 1/4 turn left and right, half turn left and right, and facing back. so they gave me a print out of the "afters" and the "befores." omigod i was a FREAK. i'm serious. i was like.... elephant man deformed with those breasts. i cannot believe it. they are shocking. i was speechless. it was very...sobering. not entirely pleasant. not pleasant at all, except for the fact that i no longer sport those breasts.

now, so many people have been working on my breasts, touching them, wrapping them in bandages, looking at them, drawing things on them, and such, that i have become a little detached from them. they don't seem ...clandestine. i'd whip them out any old time and show you the scars. maybe. probably. depending on who you were. but pretty much probably. that being said, i thought about putting the before and after shots up online. but there is no way i could put those "before" shots up there. those are the secretive boobies. besides, it's the rest of my body i really don't want naked online. so no "before" and "after" shots. sorry. you'll have to get me drunk and pay me $10 to see them. however, like i said, i'd probably pull up my shirt for free.

email still broken. sad.

Posted by jodi at janvier 29, 2003 11:27 AM
