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mars 19, 2003

listen to your broccoli, your broccoli will tell you how to eat it. - mel brooks.

a reader from pasadena writes, "have you cleaned your kitchen yet?" what do you think, dear internet friends. have i cleaned my kitchen yet? of course not!! i am more concerned with why my sims unleashed game is running so slowly, than in completing the task that was to result in the reward of said game. dr. stevil gave me 512mb of ram to pop into the G4, to see if that will help. and i am going through the spring cleaning process. i just have this feeling it's going to come down to processor speed. however, tonight i am going to put away the clean dishes in the dishwasher. there aren't many, i've basically taken them out as i needed them. but those that remain prevent me from putting dishes into the dishwasher. which would explain the pile in my sink. if anything, the kitchen is worse. i dug out my air popcorn popper. because i had a craving for real home made popcorn. not microwave popcorn. i wanted to melt the butter myself and apply the salt myself. when the popper was about half way through the corn i fed it, i poured the melted button on it, and started to continually stir with a spoon. that's the way i used to do it. get everything covered nicely. but then, the air popper just died. pfftz. dead. and i was stuck with a small amount of popcorn dripping with melted butter. i ate it, of course. it was a little drippy. but come on... it's melted and salty butter!! the air popper is still sitting on the counter. dead.

i have a couple of things to say about the state of the world today. first of all. gw bush is not my president. al gore is my president. if there was ever any question, that story, right there should prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, he was meant to lead me. not bush. god i hate bush. i hate him. sigh. so i'm not going to pay attention to him. al gore is my president. and if there is something i need to do, al will tell me. or he'll have steve job's tell me. because in many ways, steve jobs is my lord savior!!

the second thing i have to talk about today is homeland security. i have no idea what to do about chemical warfare. so far, i think avoiding all mention of it, and pretending it does not exist is working well for me. so i am going to stick with it. however, here is a cute little ditty that helps clear things up. i know it helped me.

lisa designed a personal card for me today, and so i shall sign today's entry with it:

JS Hamilton

Author, Princess, Font of Information
Brilliance by appointment

Posted by jodi at mars 19, 2003 04:15 PM
