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mars 24, 2003

No one can resist the golden lasso. It binds all who are encircled and compels them to tell... the truth!

i totally forgot what i was going to say... i had the blog entry all figured out in my head just an hour or two ago. and now it’s gone. just like that. now what am going to do? just make up some boring shit? how disappointing. well, it probably wasn’t that interesting anyway, because all i did was fix the sims, customize the sims, and decorate house for the sims this weekend. you know how those damn hours just fly by when you play the sims. my current favorite is Nadija, and her manic depressive psychotic cat Oona.

i have no cute links or funny images or anything to make up for the fact i have nothing to say. i was just going to skip today, but i think that fact i have nothing to say is, in of itself, a statement about my life.

did you ever see that movie A.I.? i was just thinking about that movie last night, realizing how much i hated it, and how much it depressed me. i just sat there for about 20 minutes, hating that movie.

i will say this. i have new wonder woman socks on. they are cool.

Posted by jodi at mars 24, 2003 03:15 PM
