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avril 03, 2003

I think you need to get your friend some help. He seems to be obsessed with super hero sex organs.

hello april! we’ve got daylight savings time and easter to look forward to. daylight savings time does nothing for me. i have springing forward, hate losing my hour. a couple of times this week i stayed late, at work, until it was dark, and the overhead lights were off. had to do it before daylight savings time. not going to stick around until nine just to work in the dark, for pete’s sake. easter used to be one of my favorite holidays. but as we know, i’m not as pro-holiday as i once was. i wonder when i will get that back? now they just make me feel pressured.

this crazy program... i’m using InCopy to write this text. it’s different. it’s trying to screw with me. bastards. every time i save the file, i am actually saving a story. and then you can’t edit it until you chose to edit story. i saved after the first paragraph and then could type no more. i got scared. it’s ok now. the cool thing is i am typing in galley view, with a black background and violet text, and my display font is venis. none of this has anything to do with the actual text created, it’s just the display. i like that.

so what were we last talking about? the pho guys. i’m afraid i have witnessed no further crime since then. to the best of my knowledge. i got an email from my friend dee dee. dee dee is my fellow crime fighter. we once chased a bank robber. we’d been on our way to the grocery store, this was in san diego, and we came around the corner into this fog of pink smoke. all the sudden a women comes out of the building [aforementioned bank] and yells, “follow that man, he just robbed the bank!” the man was on foot and running. well, of course dee dee and i followed in hot pursuit. in her little honda civic. he was running through alleys and jumping fences, and we were doing an ok job of keeping up. suddenly, it occurred to us... what were we planning on doing with him, if we caught up? he could have a gun. we had no guns. and if he didn’t, how were we going to restrain him, exactly. [of course now i know, you sit on him.] not long after the reality of the situation kicked in, we lost him. so we went back to the bank and told them where we’d lost him. and our description. dee dee just emailed me to tell me a story of a lawsuit between her and her mother’s landlords. her mother passed away, and despite a court order, the landlords, who were suing the estate, would not let her in the apartment. so, with the aid of the sherrif’s dept, dee dee used a huge long ladder to break into it. you can’t keep a crime fighter/super hero down.

on april 1st, laurell k. hamilton’s new anita blake novel came out, i had preordered it from amazon.com, it arrived on the 1st, and not long after it turned into the 2nd of april, i had finished it. i read the whole thing that night. couldn’t help myself. i tried to read as slowly as possible. practically reading every word out loud in my head. but, dag nabbit, that jean claude is just so sexy!! i could not resist! and now it’s over. who knows how long i have to wait for the next one. i hope, when i become a best selling author, if i have a character series, i am very very fast. i wouldn’t want to do this to my fans. :)

let's see if lisa would like to share her opinion of the book....

Posted by jodi at avril 3, 2003 03:34 PM


The new Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter book titled "Cerulean Sins" wasn't quite the rollicking thrill ride of her last installment, "Narcissuss in Chains". It did, however, have lots of what I've come to love and expect from the author, Laurell K. Hamilton: Vampire sex. As good as vampire sex is, vampire angst is also fun and this book has lots of that, too.

This is the eleventh book in the Anita Blake series and this is the first one that makes very little effort to provide backstory for the secondary characters if you haven't kept up with the series. It's up to the reader to put in the time to read all the other books. It's worth it. Really.

Good things about the book: Advancement of main character plots and development, more explicit sex scenes.

Bad things: Very halfhearted B-plot involving a serial killer and a possible threat against Anita. The police scenes really cut into the vampire sex/angst/sweetness and the whole thing seems a set-up for a future plot about a serious move against Anita by a foreign government. The B-plot was wrapped up the the haste of a Stephen King book and that's not a good thing.

I would recommend this book. Anita focuses more on her feelings and trying figure out just what she wants out of her various relationships than on what gun she's carrying and that's refreshing. I wouldn't recommend this be the first book you read if you have no background with the series, but for a long time reader it's a solid installment. I give it a B+


PS: Jean Claude is sooooo my boyfriend.

Posted by: Lisa at avril 4, 2003 06:29 AM

i knew you wouldn't be able to just leave it alone. i knew you wouldn't be able to continue to fool yourself that jean claude is your boyfriend. when, in reality, he is sooooo my boyfriend.

Posted by: jodi at avril 4, 2003 01:40 PM